
By Thomas Truong


  • Hangman.h/.cpp
    • Hangman declaration and definition.
    • The game itself.
    • Functions:
      • int main(void)
        • Where the program begins.
      • char getGuess()
        • Asks the user for their guess.
      • void registerGuess(char guess)
        • Registers the user's guess.
        • Adds to guessed letters list if invalid.
        • Reveals the letter if valid.
        • @param guess - the letter the user guessed.
      • void printGuesses()
        • Prints the list of invalid guesses.
      • void printHuman(int amount)
        • Draws a human based on the amount of invalid guesses.
        • @param amount - the amount of invalid guesses.
      • int gameEnded()
        • Checks whether the game ended or not.
        • Returns 0 if game did not end yet.
        • Returns 1 if user won.
        • Returns 2 if user lost.
      • void printWinLose(int value)
        • Prints whether the user won or lost.
        • @param value - the value from gameEnded() which states whether user won or lost.

  • Node.h/.cpp
    • Node declaration and definition.
    • Functions:
      • Node::Node(char value)
        • Constructor, creates and sets the value for the node.
        • @param value - the value to set for the node.
      • std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Node &n)
        • Operator overloading: return the value of the node.
        • @param os - the reference to the output stream.
        • @param n - the Node that will have it's value concatenated with os.
        • @return std::ostream& - the reference to the modified output stream.

  • LinkedList.h/.cpp
    • LinkedList declaration and definition.
    • Functions:
      • LinkedList::~LinkedList()
        • Destructor: deletes the Nodes of the LinkedList.
      • void LinkedList::add(char value)
        • Adds a node with a specific to the linked list.
        • @param value - the value to add for the node.
      • bool LinkedList::search(char value)
        • Returns true if value is found in the LinkedList, else returns false.
        • @param value - the value to search for.
        • @return bool - true if found, false if not found.
      • size_t LinkedList::size()
        • Returns the size of the LinkedList.
        • @return size_t - the amount of items in the LinkedList.
      • vvoid LinkedList::print()
        • Prints every Node in the LinkedList formatted.

  • GameData.h/.cpp
    • GameData declaration and definition.
    • Contains all of the game data.
    • Functions:
      • GameData::GameData()
        • Constructor: Creates and retrieves the required data.
      • void GameData::readAnswerList()
        • Reads the answer list file and puts every answer into _possibleAnswers vector.
      • void GameData::generateRandomAnswer()
        • Selects a random answer from _possibleAnswers and stores into _answers.
      • std::string GameData::getAnswer()
        • Retrieves the answer.
        • @return std::string - the answer.
      • std::string GameData::getRevealedLetters()
        • Retrieves the revealed letters.
        • @return std::string - the revealed letters.
      • bool GameData::revealLetter(char letter)
        • Reveals a given letter from _revealedLetters.
        • Returns false if the given letter does not exist.
        • Otherwise, returns true if the given letter exists.
        • @param letter - the letter to reveal.