Data literacy and accountability, delivering data-products

From Data in a spreedsheet to data as a service !

Thomas Roca, PhD, Economist & Data Strategist - Microsoft - January 29-31 - Hanoi

Stay in touch via Twitter, Github or LinkedIn

Dataviz workshop: slides

Participant's realizations:

Tools we are going to use:

For this workshop, you will need to install a code editor:

  • (e.g. Bracket or Notepad++, these editors can be installed without admin rights);

We are also going to use:

For thoses who wants to go further and try Cloud Services:

To save time during the workshop, register to JSFiddle and Carto !!

Introduction: from people to people from Data in a spreedsheet to data as a service

  • Data accountability
  • e.g.; OPAL

I. Basic introduction to data representation [15min]

  • What, and why dataviz ?
    • Better understanding
    • Communication
    • Interactivity and Story telling
  • Using packages with Stata, Python and R
  • SIG using cloudbased soft Microsoft Office 365' PowerBI and Carto

Practical: Create a heatmap with Carto [30min]

  • map Kenya Health sites using CSV file from HDX plateform;
  • Map Cameroon population in 2015 using the data in the Github folder (CMR sub)

Part II. When statistician met the web

II. Basic instroduction to the web languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript [20min]

  • Basic introduction to HTML, CSS
  • Introduction to SVG

JavaScript library & dataviz

III. Data and programmming for the web: [30min]

A tiny bit of code [20min]

When data comes in [10min]

Practical: Option A. Create a DataStory with Highcharts and Carto

  • health
  • Education
  • sociaux economic conditions etc. You can use data sources such as the World Bank indicators, UN OCHA HDX platform, etc.

Part III. When data meet the cloud

IV. Getting real time data: from scrapper to API, the data revolution: [20min]

Pratical: OPtion B. Use world bank API & the DHS application

  • World bank API
    • GDP growth (annual %) of Kenya (WDI)
    • last 20 observation
    • using highcharts
    • Create a heatmap using leaflet
    • display age specific literacy rate 15-19
    • subnational level in Kenya
    • for the last DHS available

IV. Leveraging Cloud computing and Data science algorithm as a service: [20min]

V. Deploying data products on the cloud

  • Introduction to Flask
  • A simple scraping algorithm on Azure
  • Automating data tasks on Azure
  • Deploying Machine Learning Algorithm on the web and user interface

Further reading:

  • Friendly, M., 1999, "Re-Visions of Minard", link
  • Friendly, M., 2008, "A Brief History of Data Visualization" link
  • Lupi, H., Posavec, S.,2016, "Dear Data",
  • Yau, N. 2011, visualize this: the flowingdata guide to design, visualization, and statistics link
  • The Smithonianmag:"The Revolutionary Infographics of W.E.B. Du Bois And Booker T. Washington" link
  • ToucanTouco, Infographie vs Dataviz: Faites la diffĂ©rence. Link
  • Tufte, E. R. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Graphics Press, Cheshire, CT, 1983.
  • Hagley, J. What is the difference bewteen infographic and dataviz ? Link



Meta data as presented on :

Countries: AL, AO, AM, AZ, BD, BJ, BO, BT, BR, BF, BU, KH, CM, CF, TD, CO, KM, CG, CD, CI, DR, EC, EG, ES, ER, ET, GA, GH, GU, GN, GY, HT, HN, IA, ID, JO, KK, KE, KY, LS, LB, MD, MW, MV, ML, MR, MX, MB, MA, MZ, NM, NP, NC, NI, NG, PK, PY, PE, PH, RW, ST, SN, SL, ZA, LK, SD, SZ, TJ, TZ, TH, GM, TL, TG, TT, TN, TR, TM, UG, UA, UZ, VN, YE, ZM, ZW


(List of indicator DHS)[]