Agence Française de Développement: 16:00 - 19:30

Learning session: Mapping and Data capsule AFD 24 Feb.

!! Don't forget to bring your laptop !

What we would like to explore:

1. Mapathon avec CartONG

Using Open Street Map online edit tool - Please create your account before the event

Using QGIS Please install QGis on your machine before the event

3. Data capsule: exploring Smugglers dataset with Techfugees & Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime .

  • [Download Smuggler Dataset]( Migrant Leg Prices Database 2016 - hackathon.xlsx) NB. This dataset should not be consider complete or reliable. Its a collection of data taken from different soucrces mentionned in the document. Thus the data capsule must be considered as an exploratory exercise

How we would like to proceed:

Starts at 16.00

  1. Challenges presentations by CartONG, Techfugees and AFD/UNHCR and groups constitution (25 min)
  2. Work session
  • work (1h)
  • Break (10 min)
  • Work (1h)
  • Break (10 min)
  1. Presentation of the results (45 min: 7 minutes per group)