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Posted Workers in the EU, a fact sheet

October the 23rd the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council will disscussed the European directived on posted workers.

But what is a posted worker ?

As stated by the European Commission, 'a "posted worker" is an employee who is sent by his employer to carry out a service in another EU Member State on a temporary basis.' More here: http://on ec.europea.eu

These temporary workers recently drawn a lot of attention, especially in France and Poland: see for example here, or there, or here

But how massive is this movement ? How mobile are temporary workers in the EU ? Let's crunch numbers...

The EU commmission publishes yearly reports on the topics in which data extracted from A1 forms are published. For this fact sheet we used the last report available on the commission web page: "Posting of workers - Report on A1 portable documents issued in 2015". Bad news is this data is not available yet on the EU open data portal. We have to extract it from the PDF which can lead to errors.