Amazon Simple Storage Service (AWS S3) basic API support.
If you need more API's then take a look at atoz.
The core AWS commands has two procedures - one is the raw request returning
the response, the other one is a sugar returning a assert [is is2xx] == true
The raw request commands can be chained where the client
can be reused,
e.g. the move to trash
, which consists of a copyObject
and a deleteObject
All requests are performed async.
Spaces in keys
is not supported.
- all
should bebucketName
, and when needed as a host, the region (host) should be appended within here. In that way we would only need to passbucketName
(shortform) around.
bucketHost = ""
bucketName = "my-bucket"
serverRegion = "eu-west-1"
myAccessKey = "AKIAEXAMPLE"
mySecretKey = "J98765RFGBNYT4567EXAMPLE"
role = "arn:aws:iam::2345676543:role/Role-S3-yeah"
s3File = "test/test.jpg"
s3MoveTo = "test2/test.jpg"
localTestFile = "/home/username/download/myimage.jpg"
downloadTo = "/home/username/git/nim_awsS3/test3.jpg"
## Get creds with awsSTS package
let creds = awsSTScreate(myAccessKey, mySecretKey, serverRegion, role)
## 1) Create test file
writeFile(localTestFile, "blabla")
## 2) Put object
echo waitFor s3PutObjectIs2xx(creds, bucketHost, s3File, localTestFile)
## 3) Move object
waitFor s3MoveObject(creds, bucketHost, s3MoveTo, bucketHost, bucketName, s3File)
## 4) Get content-length
var client = newAsyncHttpClient()
let m1 = waitFor s3HeadObject(client, creds, bucketHost, s3MoveTo)
echo m1.headers["content-length"]
## 5) Get object
echo waitFor s3GetObjectIs2xx(creds, bucketHost, s3MoveTo, downloadTo)
echo fileExists(downloadTo)
## 6) Delete object
echo waitFor s3DeleteObjectIs2xx(creds, bucketHost, s3MoveTo)
proc s3Creds*(accessKey, secretKey, tokenKey, region: string): AwsCreds =
This uses the nimble package awsSTS
to store the credentials.
Generate S3 presigned URL's.
This is the standard public API.
proc s3Presigned*(accessKey, secretKey, region: string, bucketHost, key: string,
httpMethod = HttpGet,
contentDisposition = CDTattachment, contentDispositionName = "",
setContentType = true, fileExt = "", expireInSec = "65", accessToken = ""
): string =
proc s3Presigned*(creds: AwsCreds, bucketHost, key: string,
contentDisposition = CDTattachment, contentDispositionName = "",
setContentType = true, fileExt = "", expireInSec = "65"
): string =
This exposes the internal API. It has been made public for users to skip the s3Presigned*
proc s3SignedUrl*(
credsAccessKey, credsSecretKey, credsRegion: string,
bucketHost, key: string,
httpMethod = HttpGet,
contentDisposition = CDTignore, contentDispositionName = "",
setContentType = true,
fileExt = "", customQuery = "", copyObject = "", expireInSec = "65",
accessToken = ""
): string =
## customQuery:
## This is a custom defined header query. The string needs to include the format
## "head1:value,head2:value" - a comma separated string with header and
## value diveded by colon.
## copyObject:
## Attach copyObject to headers
Generates a S3 presigned url for sharing.
contentDisposition => sets "Content-Disposition" type (inline/attachment)
contentDispositionName => sets "Content-Disposition" name
setContentType => sets "response-content-type"
fileExt => only if setContentType=true
if `fileExt = ""` then mimetype is automated
needs to be ".jpg" (dot before) like splitFile(f).ext
contentDisposition* = enum
CDTinline # Content-Disposition: inline
CDTattachment # Content-Disposition: attachment
proc parseReponse*(response: AsyncResponse): (bool, HttpHeaders) =
Helper-Procedure that can be used to return true on success and the response headers.
[utils package - async & sync]
proc isSuccess2xx*(response: AsyncResponse): (bool) =
Helper-Procedure that can be used with the raw call for parsing the response.
proc s3DeleteObject(client: AsyncHttpClient, creds: AwsCreds, bucketHost, key: string): Future[AsyncResponse] {.async.} =
AWS S3 API - DeleteObject
[utils package - async & sync]
proc s3DeleteObjectIs2xx*(creds: AwsCreds, bucketHost, key: string): Future[bool] {.async.} =
AWS S3 API - DeleteObject bool
proc s3HeadObject*(client: AsyncHttpClient, creds: AwsCreds, bucketHost, key: string): Future[AsyncResponse] {.async.} =
AWS S3 API - HeadObject
Response: - result.headers["content-length"]
[utils package - async & sync]
proc s3HeadObjectIs2xx*(creds: AwsCreds, bucketHost, key: string): Future[bool] {.async.} =
AWS S3 API - HeadObject bool
AWS S3 API - HeadObject is2xx is only checking the existing of the file. If the data is needed, then use the raw s3HeadObject
procedure and parse the response.
proc s3GetObject*(client: AsyncHttpClient, creds: AwsCreds, bucketHost, key, downloadPath: string) {.async.} =
AWS S3 API - GetObject
needs to full local path.
[utils package - async & sync]
proc s3GetObjectIs2xx*(creds: AwsCreds, bucketHost, key, downloadPath: string): Future[bool] {.async.} =
AWS S3 API - GetObject bool
AWS S3 API - GetObject is2xx returns true on downloaded file.
needs to full local path.
proc s3PutObject*(client: AsyncHttpClient, creds: AwsCreds, bucketHost, key, localPath: string): Future[AsyncResponse] {.async.} =
AWS S3 API - PutObject
The PutObject reads the file to memory and uploads it.
[utils package - async & sync]
proc s3PutObjectIs2xx*(creds: AwsCreds, bucketHost, key, localPath: string, deleteLocalFileAfter=true): Future[bool] {.async.} =
AWS S3 API - PutObject bool
This performs a PUT and uploads the file. The localPath
param needs to be the full path.
The PutObject reads the file to memory and uploads it.
proc s3CopyObject*(client: AsyncHttpClient, creds: AwsCreds, bucketHost, key, copyObject: string): Future[AsyncResponse] {.async.} =
AWS S3 API - CopyObject
The copyObject param is the full path to the copy source, this means both the bucket and file, e.g.:
- /bucket-name/folder1/folder2/s3C3FiLXRsPXeE9TUjZGEP3RYvczCFYg.jpg
Implement error checker. An error occured during copyObject
can return a 200-response. If the error occurs during the copy operation, the error response is embedded in the 200 OK response. This means that a 200 OK response can contain either a success or an error. (
[utils package - async & sync]
proc s3CopyObjectIs2xx*(client: AsyncHttpClient, creds: AwsCreds, bucketHost, key, copyObject: string): Future[bool] {.async.} =
AWS S3 API - CopyObject bool
proc s3MoveObject*(creds: AwsCreds, bucketToHost, keyTo, bucketFromHost, bucketFromName, keyFrom: string) {.async.} =
This does a pseudo move of an object. We copy the object to the destination and then we delete the object from the original location.
bucketToHost => Destination bucket host
keyTo => 12/files/file.jpg
bucketFromHost => Origin bucket host
bucketFromName => Origin bucket name
keyFrom => 24/files/old.jpg
[utils package - async & sync]
proc s3MoveObjects*(creds: AwsCreds, bucketHost, bucketFromHost, bucketFromName: string, keys: seq[string], waitValidate = 0, waitDelete = 0) {.async.} =
In this (plural) multiple moves are performed. The keys are identical in "from" and "to", so origin and destination are the same.
The waitValidate
and waitDelete
are used to wait between the validation if the file exists and delete operation.
[utils package - async & sync]
proc s3TrashObject*(creds: AwsCreds, bucketTrashHost, bucketFromHost, bucketFromName, keyFrom: string) {.async.} =
This does a pseudo move of an object. We copy the object to the destination and then we delete the object from the original location. The destination in this particular situation - is our trash.
[utils package - async & sync]
proc s3TrashObjects*(creds: AwsCreds, bucketTrashHost, bucketFromHost, bucketFromName, keyFrom: seq[string], waitValidate = 0, waitDelete = 0) {.async.} =
This does a pseudo move of an object. We copy the object to the destination and then we delete the object from the original location. The destination in this particular situation - is our trash.
To use multipart import it directly and compile with -d:s3multipart
import awsS3/multipart
The upload part in src/multipart/api/uploadPart.nim
contains a full example of
- abortMultipartUpload
- listMultipartUpload
- listParts
- completeMultipartUpload
- createMultipartUpload
The multipart files contains when isMainModule
which can be used to test the upload
To test the full upload procedure: Create a file called testFile.bin with
+10MB of data, copy example.env
to .env
, run nimble install dotenv
and then run the following command:
nim c -d:dev -r src/multipart/api/uploadPart.nim
let abortMultipartUploadRequest = AbortMultipartUploadRequest(
bucket: bucket,
key: upload.key,
uploadId: upload.uploadId.get()
var abortClient = newAsyncHttpClient()
let abortMultipartUploadResult = await abortClient.abortMultipartUpload(credentials=credentials, bucket=bucket, region=region, args=abortMultipartUploadRequest)
echo abortMultipartUploadResult.toJson().parseJson().pretty()
echo getCurrentExceptionMsg()
# initiate the multipart upload
let createMultiPartUploadRequest = CreateMultipartUploadRequest(
bucket: bucket,
key: key,
let createMultiPartUploadResult = await client.createMultipartUpload(
credentials = credentials,
bucket = bucket,
region = region,
args = createMultiPartUploadRequest
let args = CompleteMultipartUploadRequest(
bucket: bucket,
key: key,
uploadId: uploadId
let res = await client.completeMultipartUpload(credentials=credentials, bucket=bucket, region=region, args=args)
echo res.toJson().parseJson().pretty()
let uploadPartCommandRequest = UploadPartCommandRequest(
bucket: bucket,
key: key,
body: body,
partNumber: partNumber,
uploadId: createMultiPartUploadResult.uploadId
let res = await client.uploadPart(
credentials = credentials,
bucket = bucket,
region = region,
args = uploadPartCommandRequest
echo "\n> uploadPart"
echo res.toJson().parseJson().pretty()
let listMultipartUploadsRequest = ListMultipartUploadsRequest(
bucket: bucket,
prefix: some("test")
let listMultipartUploadsRes = await client.listMultipartUploads(credentials=credentials, bucket=bucket, region=region, args=listMultipartUploadsRequest)
let args = ListPartsRequest(
bucket: bucket,
key: some(key),
uploadId: some(uploadId)
let result = await client.listParts(credentials=credentials, bucket=bucket, region=region, args=args)
# echo result
echo result.toJson().parseJson().pretty()