
A collection of simulations

Primary LanguageC++


These are handy scripts/subroutine that may be used in other simulations.

Intertial to NonInertial

This script takes a set of parameters about two coordinate systems. Based on the information given, it will compute the position, velocity, and acceleration of a particle in the non-intertial frame.


Apython script that will plot a csv data file.

usage: Plot.py filename.csv


This folder contains various simulations pertaining to aerodynamic & orbital mechanic simulations.

Ideal Rocket Equation

This python script explores the role mass plays on a rocket's delta v.

One way to use this graph is by asking the question:

Given a desired delta_v, what percent of my total mass has to be fuel?

To answer this, you would go to the delta_v value on the x-axis and move up to the curve, then move left to the y-axis.

For example, if you wanted a delta v of 3000, it would require your dry mass to be about 70% of the rocket's mass. Note that this is specific for the rocket's parameters, seen in the .py file.

Notice that the delta v gained after a ratio of around 50% becomes linear.

Non Ideal Rocket Equation

Includes gravitational drag in the computation of the delta v.

Satellite Motion

This models a satellite orbiting Earth as a function of distance from Earth. It can be used to find various orit parameters including velocity, acceleration, and period.

It is clear that as the orbit distance increases, the velociy of the satellite will decrease.

The acceleration also decreases as the orbit distance increases.

Because the acceleration and velocity are decreasing as orbit distance increases, the period will increase.


Includes simulations pertaining to chemical phenomena. Simulations include

Chapman Reaction

Simulates atmospheric ozone chemistry. It uses the ODEINT numerical library to solve the system of equations. Each chemical reaction is described as a differential equation. Because some reactions depend on the concentration of species in other reactions, the system becomes coupled. ODEINT solved the system and subsequent concentration profiles are obtained.

CSTR Reaction

This simulates a single species reaction in a CSTR. The concentration profile is obtained by solving a mass balance on the specie's concentration. This was done by using the ODEINt numerical library.

Exothermic Water Cooled Reaction

This was a project for the senior process controls course MSU. The objective was to control the temperature of a CSTR with an exothermic reaction. This was achieved by insulating the reactor in a cooling jacked and controlling the temperature by modeling a feedback control loop. The system was modeled with a coupled system of diferential equations. finish talking about each equation

1 The temperature profile of the reactor. It reaches steady state as the concentration .

The trend is a series of relaxations/compensations from the water controller. Once the temperature rises, the requested water temperature rapidly drops to account for the heat generation. This trend of relaxing/compensating continues until the control system reaches a steady state by damping the response.

The requested water temperature leveled off as the temperature reached steady state.

The requested water temperature experiened fluctuations until the system was damped out. Its trend is opposite of the temperature profile.