A python wraper for the Archiware P5 CLI.
Note: As of Version 6 P5 comes with a REST API. You should consider using to the REST Api instead.
Simplifies the integration of the Archiware P5 Software in modern MAM and DAM Systems.
- Getting Started
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- First Steps
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You will require python3 installed on your system.
If you do not have Python installed on your system go to python.org's download section and download the current version for your OS. If you prefer using a package manager(like MacPorts, Homebrew, Chocolatey,...), look for a python-3 package.
You will also need Archiware P5 installed on your system. py-awp5 is using the nsdchat executable to communicate with the P5 Server.
install py-awp5 directly from GitHub using pip:
pip install git+https://github.com/ThomasWaldinger/py_awp5
In an interactive python session:
from awp5 import Connection
from awp5.api import Job
for job_i in Job.failed(31):
print("{}:\n{}".format(job_i, job_i.xmlticket())
The wrapper offers both a function-like syntax, using the "id strings" as resource arguments(similar to the syntax the nsdchat cli uses) and a more pythonic/object-based syntax.
from awp5.api import volume
for vol_id in volume.names():
print(vol_id, volume.barcode(vol_id), volume.isonline(vol_id),
volume.label(vol_id), volume.mediatype(vol_id))
from awp5.api import Volume
for vol in Volume.names():
print(vol, vol.barcode(), vol.isonline(), vol.label(), vol.mediatype())
Depending on your personal preference import the modules using capital or lowercase letters.