
WiT Hackathon (ReadySetGo)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ReadySetGo App

asset 24mdpi


Social media workout challenge app that allows users to create their own challeges. Once the users are in the area it allows them to be able to particpate in the race by tracking them using their hand phone devices GPS location services. Users will be able to create their own race start location and finish destination. While the users are conducting the challenge via running, biking, skateboarding, rollerblading etc. they will be able to collect coins along the race. The person that finishes the race first whens the challlenge and the jackpot.

Created on React-Native & Firebase (back-end) which will allow users to run on both Android & iOS devices.

1. Google Firebase User login and Authentication

nov-11-2018 08-56-04

2. Following users from your device contacts using React-Native-Contacts


3. Creating a new challenge using Google Maps API


4. Viewing the route of the challenge using Google Maps Directions API


How to setup and run on your PC/MAC using:

VScode, terminal/cmd prompt, emulator iOS/Android with Xcode/android studios.

  1. Open android studios and create an emulator using these settings:

device: Pixel_XL system image: Oreo API 27 x86_64 Android 8.1 avd name: Pixel XL API 27 After you finish setting up the emulator run the android emulator. At this point you can close android studios, but leave the emulator running.

  1. Open up command prompt and make sure that you ‘cd’ to your desktop. ususally C:\Users\“your computer name”\Desktop

  2. then type:

git clone https://github.com/ThompsonL/HackWitUs18

  1. then cd to HackWitUs18.

  2. then type:

npm install

  1. this will install the node modules that HackWitUs18 will need to run the application.

  2. Once the installation is complete type

expo start

  1. If you don’t have expo then install it by:

npm -i -g expo-cli --save

  1. After you have ran ‘expo start’ your web browser should open with the QR code on the bottom left corner.

  2. Click on Run on Android device/emulator

  3. Asks please enable permit drawing over other apps ‘Say Yes’

  4. Click to turn on ‘Allow display over other apps’ switch

  5. Ready.Set.Go application should display on the android emulator.

  6. Now open VScode and open the HackWitUs18 folder

  7. Open Login.js and you can edit the code that says ‘Ready.Set.Go’ and change it to ‘Your-Name’ and press Ctrl-S/CMD-S and the Android emulator will update displaying your changes.

Cheers 🍻


pitch - 2018-11-11 09-39-04

ReadySetGo App Checklist


    • Build GUI
    • Load Google Maps API
    • Build Fire-Base


    • Develop messenger on R (Incompatible)
    • Tie R with JS (Didn't use it)
    • Proof-Read slide show
    • Create visualization for presentation


    • Develop QR Code
    • Tie into JS/Firebase


    • Build checkpoints
    • Tie into JS


    • UI
    • Presentation/Executive Summary
    • Manage Group/Keep Time