
This is a docsify plugin to render changelog from given path

Primary LanguageCSS


Docsify Plugins by Aniketh Saha


Buy Me A Coffee


package description Hits
docsify-changelog-plugin Docsify plugin to add changelog to your docsify site
docsify-top-bannner-plugin Docsify plugin to add top banner for small announcements or updates
docsify-dark-mode Docsify plugin to add dark mode in your docsify site
docsify-print Docsify plugin to add a print button in your docsify site
docsify-enhanced-theme Docsify plugin to add a print button in your docsify site



JavaScript Style Guide

Open in Gitpod


  • Clone the repo
  • yarn
  • cd packages/<packages-name>
  • start editing on src/index.js and src/style.css
  • The build step using
    • the styl -> css using styl CLI
    • Optimize the generated style using cssnano and postcss
    • Build the javascript using rollup
    • optimize it using rollup-plugin-terser
    • styling rule using standard