Pinned issues
- 0
Fix in the instructions
#33 opened by yopuz - 20
- 4
No good in the latest ubuntu
#29 opened by joesphan - 3
Fedora and issues while flashing
#30 opened by kintarowonders - 21
Fel problem (ubuntu)
#6 opened by loicbonino - 25
- 1
Which version of linux to use
#32 opened by Anteino - 0
- 2
- 1
Flashing Headless Servermode No Wlan
#28 opened by superpedro - 2
- 1
Flashing error
#27 opened by snackcat - 0
Working on Ubuntu1804 not on 1604
#22 opened by ericwwwu - 12
Fel connects but data not transferring
#17 opened by scheckley - 1
I tried several USB cables on various Pi's and a VM virtualbox (Debian) on Windows 10.
#16 opened by Superlub - 3
- 3
Unable to locate sunxi-fel utility-cannot download
#11 opened by Nom771 - 1
Strange error while attempting flash
#14 opened by elinavvy - 3
Not working on latest OSX
#13 opened by stephantual - 1
Invaid command spl
#12 opened by Butrdtost - 5
support nextthing chip debian stretch?
#2 opened by icode - 3
Error: Unable to locate sunxi-fel utility
#10 opened by V-i-v-o - 13
Error 7
#8 opened by callum-stew