
CMS for Thailand's Constitution website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ELECT Constitution CMS & API

A quick description of your strapi application


We're using REST Client to test API request. REST Client is a VSCode extension to conveniently send and test REST request within the editor.

After install the extension, open api.http file and press "Send Request" on top of each pre-defeined requests. You need to set @host and @api_token in order to authenticate the request with Strapi. See Endpoints below for possible @host. @api_token is from Strapi admin > Documentation > JWT Token.

Sample API



Task API
1. List all topics GET /topics
2. List topics by category ID GET /topics/category/:category_id
3. Get single topic by ID GET /topics


On project directory, build once for production

npm i
NODE_ENV=production npm run build

Then, prepare PM2 config file:

nano ecosystem.config.yml
  - name: constitution-strapi
    script: node_modules/.bin/strapi
      - start
    min_uptime: 10000
    max_restarts: 3
      NODE_ENV: production
      PORT: 8080
      DATABASE_PATH: /path/to/constitution-strapi/.tmp/data.sqlite3.db

Type this command to manage and auto restart server.

# Start this server managed by PM2
pm2 start ecosystem.config.yml

# Register to start on sysyem reboot
pm2 startup systemd

# Look up the printed results, copy/paste to run command in "Command list"
#   Command list
#   [ 'systemctl enable pm2-your-name' ]
#   $ systemctl enable pm2-your-name

# Save PM2 process list and environment
pm2 save

When new update is available, you can pull new code, build and restart using PM2.

git pull
npm i
NODE_ENV=production npm build
pm2 restart constitution-strapi