
When using KBD101 and DDR25/M one needs to apply the triggering settings twice for them to take effect in Python

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When I use the functions:


I need to call these function twice for the settings to actually take effect in the KBD101 controller with Python. It might be related to some problems I experienced when I reported issue 47.

I noticed, you have to call SetTriggerParamsParams(...) first and then SetTriggerConfigParams(...) and then it works normally. But as I couldn't find it documented anywhere, I hope it can be useful to someone here :)

Thank you for the comment. There is a help file for these .NET dlls, with some information on what these two commands, which can be found in the Kinesis install folder. This is usually C:\Program Files\Thorlabs\Kinesis and the file is Thorlabs.MotionControl.DotNet_API.chm. If you have further questiosn feel free to reach out to your local tech support team.