Sql script for creating WoW WOTLK item db containing only tradeable items


When searching for the datasets of items that are tradeable I found out that it doesn't exists, all datasets that are out there contain all item info.

So i decided to clean up dataset which is provided by https://github.com/cmangos/wotlk-db, so you don't have to.

I managed to shorten it from 44k rows to 18k. There are still some non-tradeable items in this dataset, but it's good enough for me. You can narrow down it further if you want.

I also changed original table columns.


You can run scripts on a database of your choice.

wotlk-original.sql script contains unfiltered data and made for MySQL db.

wotlk-cleaned-up.sql script contain filtered data and made for Postgresql db.

cleaning-script.sql contains script that was used to filter original dataset.

Original DB structure and columns

Original structure and column descriptions can be found here: https://github.com/cmangos/issues/wiki/item_template

Description of the columns in the cleaned up version


Id of the item. This id is used in wowhead search so you can view it in a more friendly form by putting id in this link https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/item= "item id"


Type of the item:

ID Name
0 Consumable
1 Container
2 Weapon
3 Gem
4 Armor
5 Reagent
6 Projectile
7 Trade goods
8 Recipe
9 Quiver
10 Quest
11 Key
12 Miscellaneous
13 Glyph


Item's name.


Quality of the item:

ID Color Quality
0 White Common
1 Green Uncommon
2 Blue Rare
3 Purple Epic
4 Orange Legendary


The price that the vendor will pay you for the item when you sell it and if it is possible to be sold, in copper. Put in 0 if the item cannot be sold to a vendor.


In what slot the item can be equipped.

ID Slot Name ID Slot Name
0 Non equipable 15 Ranged
1 Head 16 Back
2 Neck 17 Two-Hand
3 Shoulder 18 Bag
4 Shirt 19 Tabard
5 Chest 20 Robe
6 Waist 21 Main hand
7 Legs 22 Off hand
8 Feet 23 Holdable (Tome)
9 Wrists 24 Ammo
10 Hands 25 Thrown
11 Finger 26 Ranged right
12 Trinket 27 Quiver
13 Weapon 28 Relic
14 Shield


URL friendly name of the item