
Template repository for building Hugo sites and serve them with Fermyon Spin

Primary LanguageMakefile

Hugo & Fermyon Spin template

You can use this template repository to serve your Hugo site through Fermyon Spin.

Required Software

To use this template the following software must be installed on your system

Repository structure

The Hugo site lives in the root of this repository. The hugo site has been generated using hugo new site . You can alter the site configuration in config.toml. The Spin application for serving the Hugo site is located in the app folder.

The spin application is configured to work seamlessly with the default build settings of Hugo. (You can build your Hugo site locally using the hugo command from the root directory.)

For demonstration purposes, this repository has configured the etch theme as git submodule. You can remove the submodule and pick a different theme if you want to.

You can either clone the repo (including the theme) using git clone git@github.com:ThorstenHans/hugo-spin.git --recursive or download the submodule after cloning using git submodule update --init --recursive


Find the Makefile, which provides essential commands for day-to-day tasks such as running the site locally or deploying the latest version to Fermyon Cloud

  • Use make start to build and start your site locally with spin
  • Use make deploy to deploy your application to Fermyon Cloud

Deploying to Fermyon cloud

As mentioned, you can deploy your Hugo site to Fermyon Cloud using the make deploy command. When deploying for the first time, Fermyon Cloud will automatically assign a FQDN. You can locate the FQDN directly in the output provided by make deploy (or consult https://cloud.fermyon.com).

The deploy target of the (see Makefile) will explicitly set baseURL to /, to make this work with the baseURL specified in config.toml. For recurring deployments to Fermyon Cloud, you should consider providing the final FQDN in config.toml and replacing hugo -b "/" with hugo in the Makefile.