
We were a team of 6 from Masai Web-12 batch worked on cloning of Instagram.com website as part of our 5th unit construct week. As a team we were given a project to clone Instagram webpage. Our project demonstrates a basic flow of an social media page, where a customer can view and post images,videos and comment on other user posts

Primary LanguageJavaScript


we have cloned the Instagram Web https://www.instagram.com/ . We have used MERN Stack for this project.

Tech stacks used :

MERN stands for : M - MongoDB, E - Express, R - React, N - Node.js

To create this clone following Tech stack is used by contributors.

  • React
  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • Node.js
  • Atlas
  • mongoose
  • JSX
  • Tailwind CSS
  • React Router Dom
  • material-ui/core
  • axios
  • material-ui
  • react-dom
  • react-redux
  • react-router-dom
  • react-scripts
  • socket.io
  • socket.io-client
  • emoji-mart
  • dotenv
  • bcryptjs
  • cors
  • jsonwebtoken

Sneak Peak

Login Page:

Landing Page:

Profile Page:

Chat Page:

Team Members and Contributors