
:computer: Maintained fork of the original Archey (Linux) system tool

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Archey 4

Archey is a simple system information tool written in Python

Archey logo

Why (again) a f*cking new Archey fork ?

The answer is here.

Note : Since the 21st September of 2017, you may notice that this repository no longer has the official status of fork.
Actually, the maintainer decided to separate it from the original one's "network" with the help of GitHub's staff.
Nevertheless, this piece of software is still a fork of djmelik's Archey project.


  • Run as quickly as possible
  • Stay as light as possible
  • Keep entries ordered despite parallelism
  • Extensive local and public IP addresses detection
  • General temperature detection
  • JSON output
  • Screen capture ("best effort")

Supported platforms

  • BSD and derivatives
  • Darwin (macOS)
  • GNU/Linux distributions
  • WSL

Details here.

What does it look like ?

Archey 4 complete preview

Which packages do I need to run this project ?

Required packages

  • python3 (>= 3.6)
  • python3-distro (python-distro on Arch Linux)
  • python3-netifaces (python-netifaces on Arch Linux)

PyPy is supported and may replace CPython.

Looking for Python 3.4 support ? Please refer to the latest v4.9 release.
Looking for Python 3.5 support ? Please refer to the latest v4.10 release.

Highly recommended packages

Environments Packages Reasons Notes
All procps (maybe procps-ng) Many entries would not work as expected Would provide ps
All dnsutils (maybe bind-tools) WAN_IP would be detected faster Would provide dig
All lm-sensors (maybe lm_sensors) Temperature would be more accurate N/A
macOS (Darwin) iStats or osx-cpu-temp Temperature wouldn't be detected without it N/A
Graphical (desktop) pciutils or pciconf GPU wouldn't be detected without it Would provide lspci/pciconf
Graphical (desktop) wmctrl WindowManager would be more accurate N/A
Virtual w/o systemd virt-what and dmidecode Model would contain details about the hypervisor root privileges required


Install from package

First, grab a package for your distribution from the latest release here.
Now, it's time to use your favorite package manager. Some examples :

  • Arch-based distributions : pacman -U ./archey4-4.Y.Z-R-any.pkg.tar.zst
  • Debian-based distributions : apt install ./archey4_4.Y.Z-R_all.deb
  • RPM-based distributions : dnf install ./archey4-4.Y.Z-R.py??.noarch.rpm

Further information about packaging are available here.

Install from PyPI

pip3 install archey4

Install from AUR

yay -S archey4

Install from Homebrew

brew install archey4

Install from source

Step 1 : Fetch sources

# If you want the latest release :
wget "https://github.com/HorlogeSkynet/archey4/archive/${LATEST_VERSION}.tar.gz"
tar xvzf "${LATEST_VERSION}.tar.gz"
cd "archey4-${LATEST_VERSION}/"

# If you want the latest (stable) changes :
git clone https://github.com/HorlogeSkynet/archey4.git
cd archey4/

Step 2 : Installation

# If you have PIP installed on your system :
pip3 install .

# But if you don't have PIP, no worries :
python3 setup.py install

Step 3 (optional) : Configuration

# System-wide configuration file (privileges required) :
install -D -m0644 config.json /etc/archey4/config.json

# User-specific configuration file :
install -D -m0644 config.json ~/.config/archey4/config.json

Step 4 (optional) : Standalone building

Some years ago, Archey was a simple and unique Python file.
Project evolved, and now it's a proper module.
Some procedures below walk you through several ways of building Archey as a standalone program.

# Using PEX (recommended) :
pip3 install pex
pex \
	-o dist/archey \
	-m archey \

# Since v4.10 logos are dynamically imported for performance purposes.  
# This means that we have to explicitly make Stickytape and PyInstaller include them.  
# Please **replace** `debian` identifier below by yours (multiple flags allowed).

# Using Stickytape :
pip3 install stickytape
stickytape \
	--copy-shebang \
	--add-python-path . \
	--output-file dist/archey \
	--add-python-module archey.logos.debian \
chmod +x dist/archey

# Using PyInstaller :
pip3 install pyinstaller
pyinstaller \
	--distpath dist \
	--specpath dist \
	--name archey \
	--onefile archey/__main__.py \
	--hidden-import archey.logos.debian \
	--log-level WARN

Resulting program may now be installed system-wide (privileges required).

# Standalone execution.

# System-wide install.
install -D -m0755 dist/archey /usr/local/bin/archey


archey --help

or if you only want to try this out (for instance, from source) :

python3 -m archey --help

Configuration (optional)

Since v4.3.0, Archey 4 may be "tweaked" a bit with external configuration.
You can place a config.json file in these locations :

  1. /etc/archey4/config.json (system preferences)
  2. ~/.config/archey4/config.json (user preferences)
  3. ./config.json (local preferences)

If an option is defined in multiple places, it will be overridden according to the order above (local preferences > user preferences > system preferences).

Alternatively, you may specify your own configuration file with the -c command-line option.

The example file provided in this repository lists exhaustively the parameters you can set.
Below stand further descriptions for each available (default) option :

	// If set to `false`, configurations defined afterwards won't be loaded.
	// Developers running Archey from the original project may keep in there the original `config.json`,
	//   while having their own external configuration set elsewhere.
	"allow_overriding": true,
	// Set to `false` to disable multi-threaded loading of entries.
	"parallel_loading": true,
	// If set to `true`, any execution warning or error would be hidden.
	// Configuration parsing warnings **would** still be shown.
	"suppress_warnings": false,
	// Set this option to `false` to force Archey to use its own colors palettes.
	// `true` by default to honor os-release(5) `ANSI_COLOR` option.
	"honor_ansi_color": true,
	// Entries list.
	// Add a `disabled` option set to `true` to temporary hide one.
	// You may change entry displayed name by adding a `name` option.
	// You may re-order the entries list as you wish.
	"entries": [
		{ "type": "User" },
		{ "type": "Hostname" },
		{ "type": "Model" },
		{ "type": "Distro" },
			"type": "Kernel",
			// Set to `true` to enable kernel release check against <www.kernel.org>.
			// /!\ `DO_NOT_TRACK` environment variable may affect this feature behavior ! /!\
			"check_version": false
		{ "type": "Uptime" },
		{ "type": "Processes" },
		{ "type": "WindowManager" },
		{ "type": "DesktopEnvironment" },
		{ "type": "Shell" },
			"type": "Terminal",
			// Leave this option set to `true` to display a beautiful colors palette.
			// Set it to `false` to allow compatibility with non-Unicode locales.
			"use_unicode": true
		{ "type": "Packages" },
			"type": "Temperature",
			// The character to display between the temperature value and the unit (as '°' in 53.2°C).
			"char_before_unit": " ",
			"sensors_chipsets": [
				// White-list of chipset identifiers (strings) passed to LM-SENSORS when computing the average temperature.
				// Use `sensors -A` to list the available chipsets on your system (e.g. `coretemp-isa-0000`, `acpitz-acpi-0`, ...).
				// Leaving empty (default) would make Archey process input data from **all** available chipsets.
				// Use this option if a sensor happens to return irrelevant values, or if you want to process only a subset of them.
			// Display temperature values in Fahrenheit instead of Celsius.
			"use_fahrenheit": false
			"type": "CPU",
			// Set to `true` to join all CPUs on the same line.
			"one_line": false,
			// Set to `false` to hide the number of cores.
			"show_cores": true,
			// As explained above, you may rename entries as you wish.
			"name": "Processor"
			"type": "GPU",
			// Set to `true` to join all GPUs on the same line.
			"one_line": false,
			// The maximum number of GPUs you want to display.
			// `false` --> Unlimited.
			"max_count": 2
			"type": "RAM",
			// Some threshold values you can adjust affecting warning/danger colors.
			"warning_use_percent": 33.3,
			"danger_use_percent": 66.7
			"type": "Disk",
			// Which filesystems to show:
			// `["local"]` shows only local filesystems.
			// You can alternatively list specific filesystems as:
			//  * A list of device paths - e.g. `["/dev/sda1", "/dev/nvme0n1p1"]`
			//  * A list of mount points - e.g. `["/", "/mnt"]`
			//  * A combination of the above - e.g. `["/", "/dev/sda2"]`
			"show_filesystems": ["local"],
			// Set to `false` to write each filesystem on its own line.
			"combine_total": true,
			// Defines which labels to use for each disk (only works if `combine_total` is false!)
			// The options available are:
			//  * `"mount_points"`: Shows the mount point of the filesystem.
			//      e.g. `Disk (/): 10.0 GiB/100.0 GiB`
			//           `Disk (/mnt): 15.0 GiB / 200.0 GiB`
			//  * `"device_paths"`: Shows the device path of the filesystem.
			//      e.g. `Disk (/dev/sda1): 10.0 GiB / 100.0 GiB`
			//           `Disk (/dev/mmcblk0p1): 15.0 GiB / 200.0 GiB`
			//  * `false` or `null` (no quote marks!): Don't show any device labels.
			//      e.g. `Disk: 10.0 GiB / 100.0 GiB`
			//           `Disk: 15.0 GiB / 200.0 GiB`
			"disk_labels": null,
			// Set to `true` to hide the "Disk" entry name from the output.
			// i.e. null  --> `Disk (/):`
			//      false --> `Disk (/):`
			//      true  --> `(/):`
			"hide_entry_name": null,
			// Some threshold values you can adjust affecting warning/danger colors.
			"warning_use_percent": 50,
			"danger_use_percent": 75
			"type": "LAN_IP",
			// Set to `false` not to join all IP addresses on the same line.
			"one_line": true,
			// The maximum number of local addresses you want to display.
			// `false` --> Unlimited.
			"max_count": 2,
			// Set to `true` if your local network does not honor RFC1918.
			"show_global": false,
			// Set to `false` to only display IPv4 LAN addresses.
			"ipv6_support": true
			"type": "WAN_IP",
			// As explained above, you may temporary hide entries as you wish.
			// See below example to hide your public IP addresses before posting your configuration on Internet.
			//"disabled": true,
			// Set to `false` not to join all IP addresses on the same line.
			"one_line": true,
			// Below are settings relative to IPv4/IPv6 public addresses retrieval.
			// I hope options are self-explanatory.
			// You may set `dns_query` (or `http_url`) to `false` to disable them.
			// You may directly set `ipv4` or `ipv6` fields to `false` to completely disable them.
			// <https://ident.me/> server sources : <https://github.com/pcarrier/identme>.
			// /!\ `DO_NOT_TRACK` environment variable may affect this entry behavior ! /!\
			"ipv4": {
				"dns_query": "myip.opendns.com",
				"dns_resolver": "resolver1.opendns.com",
				"dns_timeout": 1,
				"http_url": "https://v4.ident.me/",
				"http_timeout": 1
			"ipv6": {
				"dns_query": "myip.opendns.com",
				"dns_resolver": "resolver1.opendns.com",
				"dns_timeout": 1,
				"http_url": "https://v6.ident.me/",
				"http_timeout": 1
	"default_strings": {
		// Use this section to override default strings (internationalization).

Test cases

An extensive test suite is available.
Here is a short procedure to run them (you'll only need python3) :

git clone https://github.com/HorlogeSkynet/archey4.git
cd archey4/
python3 -m unittest

Any improvement would be appreciated.

Notes to users

  • If you experience any trouble during the installation or usage, please do open an issue.

  • If you had to tweak this project to make it work on your system, please open a pull request so as to share your modifications with the rest of the world and participate in this project !

  • If your distribution is not (currently) supported, please check How do I add a distribution to Archey?.

Notes to developers