👋🏻 Hello!

I am known on the internet as Threebow, and this is my GitHub profile. Programming has been a significant part of my life for as long as I can remember. I enjoy starting and being actively engaged in multiple projects and ventures simultaneously, as it presents a satisfying challenge. Here is a brief summary of my current development work as well as some past achievements.

Currently Focused On:

  • Security Engineering @coreweave
  • Arion Studios: My freelance agency, offering a range of digital solutions.
  • Nebulosity: My venture agency with a focus on cryptocurrency projects.
  • TSManage: A long-standing SaaS platform that streamlines TeamSpeak management processes for FiveM communities.
  • 0xWRLD: A browser-based blockchain game deeply integrates with NFTs across several connected wallets simultaneously.

Preferred Programming Languages:

  • TypeScript
  • Lua
  • Pug
  • SCSS
  • Solidity

I am proudly a maximalist of the Node + TypeScript ecosystem. Despite my experience with a variety of programming languages, my preference and enjoyment for Node and TypeScript are unmatched, making them my personal choices for most projects. While I have occasionally used Rust and Go, I must admit they are not among my favorites.

Areas of Interest:

  • MVC-style applications
  • Heavily data-driven applications (e.g. data lakes)
  • Game development (I integrated Vue 3 within GameMaker for 100% of 0xWRLD's UI)
  • Networking-intensive applications (e.g. game servers)
  • Distributed systems
  • Blockchain applications (e.g. EVM, Solana)
  • Vue

Most Used Tools:

I like to use the following stack when it comes to distributed data-driven applications:

  • Node
  • Postgres
  • Redis
  • Kafka



For inquiries and further information, please feel free to reach out:

  • Discord: @threebow.
  • Non-development related inquiries: threebowpr@gmail.com
  • For development-related discussions or proposals, please submit a contact request to Arion Studios.