
Tool to generate relocation tables for ZX Spectrum Next™ drivers and other Z80 asm programs.

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Tool to generate relocation tables for ZX Spectrum Next™ drivers and other Z80 asm programs.


ZX Spectrum Nextdrivers are short pieces or Z80 code loaded by NextZXOS, the ROM operating system of the Next. Because there are four driver slots in the Next divMMC RAM, allowing up to four drivers to be installed at the same time, the driver code must be relocatable. To achieve this, the driver format specification includes two data structures:

  • A count of the number of 16-bit address offsets that must be patched for relocation (between 0 and 255);
  • A list of the 16-bit address offsets themselves, organised as contiguous little-endian byte pairs. Each offset points to the high byte of a 16-bit little-endian address to be patched. Because driver files are exactly 512 bytes long, the high bytes of these addresses will always be 0x00 or 0x01 before patching, and the driver installation routine will give a Bad Relocation Table error if any other values are encountered.
  • For each extra divMMC and ZX bank the be included, one or more bank ID 16-bit address offsets that must be patched with the dynamically allocated MMU bank IDs. Each offset points to a single byte containing a bank ID.

In order to generate driver files in an assembler, typically all the absolute addresses in the driver (the targets of jumps, calls, and 16-bit loads) must be patched. This quickly gets tedious during development, while the code you are writing is moving around. So it is advantageous to have a tool which will take care of this for you.


Install the .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime if you do not already have it installed. Copy the files ZXRelocate.exe and ZXRelocate.exe.config into a directory, such as the one that contains your build script. Edit your build script to execute ZXRelocate.exe. Typically a driver will be assembled twice, since it contains self-referential data (although it could be managed in a single assembly pass using displacements). Therefore, add it to your build script between the first and second assembly. Have the first assembly export a symbol list, which ZXRelocate.exe will refer to. Have your assembly project include two assembly files - RelocationTable.asm which will contain up to 255 pairs of bytes, and RelocationCount.asm, which will define a single RelocateCount symbol that can be referenced in the driver header, plus a symbol for each bank patch address offset extracted by this tool.

Config File

The ZXRelocate.exe.config file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="SymbolFile" value="..\data\Test.sym" />
    <add key="SymbolRegEx" value="RE_.*?\sEQU\s(?&lt;Address>.*)" />
    <add key="BankRegEx" value="BA_.*?\sEQU\s(?&lt;Address>.*)" />
    <add key="AddressOffset" value="1" />
    <add key="DefineWord" value="dw " />
    <add key="Equate" value=" EQU " />
    <add key="Comment" value="; " />
    <add key="IncludeComments" value="true" />
    <add key="RelocateTableFile" value="..\data\RelocateTable.asm" />
    <add key="RelocateCountFile" value="..\data\RelocateCount.asm" />
    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.8" />

SymbolFile: this is the path to the symbol list file exported by your driver project. It must already exist before you run ZXRelocate.exe.

SymbolRegEx: this is an XML-escaped regular expression that matches the labels for the symbols to be relocated, and captures the 16-bit value into a (?<Address>.*) named capture group with the name Address. In the example here, we are matching all labels containing RE_, followed by EQU, followed by the address. This is a reasonably common symbol list format, so you may not need to change the regex if you stick to the convention of prefixing these symbols with RE_.

BankRegEx: this is an XML-escaped regular expression that matches the labels for the bank patch symbols, and captures the 16-bit value into a (?<Address>.*) named capture group with the name Address. In the example here, we are matching all labels containing BA_, followed by EQU, followed by the address. Again, you may not need to change the regex if you stick to the convention of prefixing these symbols with BA_.

AddressOffset: this is an integer number (between -65535 and 65535). It only applies to the relocation offsets extracted by the SymbolRegEx regex. Because Next drivers patch the high byte of each relocation offset, we need to set this value to 1, to add +1 to the symbol which is typically pointing at the low byte in most assembly source. For non-zero values of AddressOffset, the addresses in the symbol file can be any of these formats: $hhhh, #hhhh, 0xhhhh (all hex) or nnnnn (decimal). For zero values, the symbol address is copied verbatim and can be in any format.

DefineWord: this is the directive your assembler uses to define 16-bit words. dw or defw are typical values that work in most assemblers.

Equate: this is the directive your assembler uses to define immutable equates. EQU or = are typical values that work in most assemblers.

Comment: this is the directive your assembler uses to prepend single-line comments. ; or // are typical values that work in most assemblers.

IncludeComments: set this to true if you want to include helpful comments in the generated .asm files. Set it to false if you don't want comments or they are causing your assembler difficulties.

RelocateTableFile: this is the path to the .asm file to be generated by list exported by ZXRelocate.exe. Include this in your driver file immediately after the 512 byte null-padded driver.

RelocateCountFile: this is the path to the .asm file to be generated by list exported by ZXRelocate.exe. Include this in your driver header assembly source, and emit the count as a single byte in the 6th byte of the header, e.g. db RelocateCount.

Example Symbol File

Here is a short section of a symbol file, containing three RE_ symbols that will match the regex:

ApiError                        EQU $001C
return_status                   EQU $001F
Test                            EQU $003C
Test.RE_Ok                      EQU $003D
Test.pexit                      EQU $0046
RE_Fred                         EQU $0072
RE_Foo123                       EQU $0055
BA_ZX0                          EQU $003D
BA_ZX1                          EQU $003F
BA_MM0                          EQU $0041
Commands                        EQU $0046

Example Relocate Table File

Here is a relocate table file generated from the test data in this repository:

; RelocateTable.asm
; Generated automatically by Relocate.exe

dw $003E ; Test.RE_Ok                      EQU $003D
dw $0073 ; RE_Fred                         EQU $0072
dw $0056 ; RE_Foo123                       EQU $0055

Example Relocate Count File

Here is a relocate count file generated from the test data in this repository:

; RelocateCount.asm
; Generated automatically by Relocate.exe

RelocateCount EQU 3 ; Relocation table is 6 byte(s) long
BA_ZX0                          EQU $003D ; A bank ID will get patched here
BA_ZX1                          EQU $003F ; A bank ID will get patched here
BA_MM0                          EQU $0041 ; A bank ID will get patched here

Copyright and Licence

ZXRelocate is copyright © 2022 Robin Verhagen-Guest, and is licensed under Apache-2.0.

ZX Spectrum Next is a trademark of SpecNext Ltd.