Invitation micro-service

Super simple, super small, super duper.

Assumptions being made

  • You have a rethink database running locally
  • You have an invitations table in that database
  • You have a secondary index for hash on that table


yarn install && yarn start


Creating invitations

POST /create -d '{"email":""}'

❯ 201, {
  hash: 'ef32e540-472d-11e7-a574-43adb376c9f6',
  status: 'pending',
  email: ''

Redeeming invitations

GET /:hash

❯ 200, {
  hash: 'ef32e540-472d-11e7-a574-43adb376c9f6',
  status: 'redeemed',
  email: ''

❯ 404, 'Invitation not found'
❯ 409, 'Invitation already redeemed'

Asserting invitations

HEAD /:hash

❯ 200
❯ 404