Tutorial from Spatial Seminar course using Jupyter + Python (Shapely + Fiona). This may act as a jumping off point for creating web-based mapping using Google's Earth Engine (GEE) API. Can use Python libraries (e.g. Shapely + Fiona) or Javascript (e.g. D3js) for data visualization and interactivity overlaid on GEE's API.
conda create -n eepython python=2.7
source activate eepython
conda conda install -y cryptography
conda install -y simplejson
pip install earthengine-api
Confirm installation:
python -c "import ee; print ee.__version__"
Install Jupyter, SciPy, Matplotlib:
conda install jupyter scipy matplotlib
If installation errors - go to dir:
pip install earthengine-api
Install geospatial packages:
conda install fiona
conda install shapely
conda install krb5
conda install libgdal
conda install gdal
conda list
May need to upgrade / downgrade packages direction in directory:
pip install shapely --upgrade
pip install fiona --upgrade
Command Line:
conda create -n eepython python=2.7
source activate eepython
jupyter notebook
This opens Jupyter notebook serving on localhost:8888
Python Extensions for GEE
Python Extensions for GEE 2
Python Tutorial for GEE