
BLE Beacons ST17H66

Primary LanguageAssembly

BLE Beacons ST17H66

I. Programing steps

1. Programer tool set up as picture

2. Connect board to the programer tool

Board Programer Tool
RX P10
TX P09
Board Programer Tool

3. Open the tool as link \ble-beacons-st17h66_fw\documents\01_Tool\Lekit_200927.exe

+ Select the firmware as link: \ble-beacons-st17h66_fw\fw\app\bin\IBEACON.hex

+ Connect to the hardware COM port

4. After connect to the Programer hardare tool

5. Press the reset button on the hardware tool then:

6. Erase the chip successfully

7. Plashing the chip successfully

8. Press reset button the device can run