
to run code on your local machine

  • create a postgres database in your machine
  • git clone . this will download the code to your machine.
  • cd accounts . this will change your working directory into the project folder.
  • touch .env . this will create a file named .env in your project root. fill it in with the details here... just like the .env in this gist, but using the database name you created, your db password and your db user
  • virtualenv virtual . this will create a virtual environment
  • source virtual/bin/activate. this will activate the virtucal environment
  • run pip install -r requirements.txt to install requirements
  • run python migrate to populate database with fields in accountsapp/
  • run python runserver to run the program

to deploy on heroku

It's advisable to make a new heroku app so...

  • create a heroku account
  • follow the procedure outlined here to finish with the deployment