
The app fetches sources and articles from News API and displays them on a webpage

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


news-highlight is an app that fetches data from News API and displays it on a webpage


Timothy Oliver @ThukuWakogi


  1. Users can view news sources.
  2. Users can visit news sources' home page
  3. Users can view news articles from a news source
  4. Users can be directed to full news article

behaviour driven development

behaviour input output
Home page loads. User clicks on 'visit page' link. User is directed to news source home page.
Home page loads. User clicks on 'View articles' link. User is directed to Source page
Source page loads User clicks on 'Read full article' link. User is directed to link with full article


To view a demo of the application, click here.

The source code for this application can be accessed. For it to run, you will need Python and an api key from News API

a copy of the source code can be gotten through:

  • downloading the zip from github.
  • opening a terminal in the preferred directory then entering git clone https://github.com/ThukuWakogi/news-highlight.git
  • using a git client such as Github desktop or GitKraken



  • In the root directory, create a virtual environment by opening command prompt or powershell and entering in python -m venv virtual
  • Activating the virtual environment may change based on the terminal or shell being used.
  • For command prompt, enter virtual\Scripts\activate or simply type in activate.
  • For powershell, the execution policy should be bypassed for the script to run. This can be done by entering Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass then proceeding on with entering ..\virtual\Scripts\Activate.ps1
  • Install packages. pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Setting environment variables differs with the terminal or shell being used
  • For command prompt, enter your news api key SET NEWS_API_KEY=<your news api key here> then start the server python manage.py server
  • For powershell, enter your news api key $env:NEWS_API_KEY="<your news api key here>" then start the server python manage.py server


  • In the root directory, create a virtual environment by opening command prompt or powershell and entering in python3.x -m venv --without-pip virtual replace x with version in host machine, preferably version v3.6 for this project
  • Activate the virtual environment source virtual/bin/activate
  • Download pip into the virtual environment curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python
  • Install packages. pip install -r requirements.txt
  • set NEWS_API_KEY environment variable export NEWS_API_KEY=<your news api key here>
  • start the server python3.x manage.py server

Development tools


This project is under the MIT license. click here for more details