
This app enables a user to share and review pitches

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This app enables a user to share and review pitches


Timothy Oliver @ThukuWakogi


  1. Users can login or and register into the website.
  2. users can read and write pitches


To view a demo of the application, click here.

The source code for this application can be accessed. For it to run, you will need Python and an api key from News API

a copy of the source code can be gotten through:

  • downloading the zip from github.
  • opening a terminal in the preferred directory then entering git clone https://github.com/ThukuWakogi/news-highlight.git
  • using a git client such as Github desktop or GitKraken



  • In the root directory, create a virtual environment by opening command prompt or powershell and entering in python -m venv virtual
  • Activating the virtual environment may change based on the terminal or shell being used.
  • For command prompt, enter virtual\Scripts\activate or simply type in activate.
  • For powershell, the execution policy should be bypassed for the script to run. This can be done by entering Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass then proceeding on with entering ..\virtual\Scripts\Activate.ps1
  • Install packages. pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Setting environment variables differs with the terminal or shell being used
  • initiate database the database python3.6 manage.py db upgrade
  • then start the server python manage.py server


  • In the root directory, create a virtual environment by opening command prompt or powershell and entering in python3.x -m venv --without-pip virtual replace x with version in host machine, preferably version v3.6 for this project
  • Activate the virtual environment source virtual/bin/activate
  • Download pip into the virtual environment curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python
  • Install packages. pip install -r requirements.txt>`
  • initiate database the database python3.6 manage.py db upgrade
  • start the server python3.x manage.py server

Development tools


This project is under the MIT license. click here for more details