learn to code by building projects
projects available
- hex color generator
- text editor
- a minimal clock
- to-do list
- web paint
- quote generator
- geolocation weather app
- auto-compiling code editor
for the future
- a twitter bot
- personal website
- blog with jekyll
- tic-tac-toe game
- AI chrome extension pulling info from searches
- browser notifications from websites
- fb messenger bot
- news + link aggregator
- suggest more ideas using this issue
CONTRIBUTE by adding your projects & tutorials!
Enlight is open-source - which means we love contributors! Have a project on the web, a cool app you're making, or really anything useful? Share your knowledge! It doesn't have to be a specific programming language -- just send us whatever you want to share!
If it's useful, it'll be posted on the site with of course, credit to you!
- fork the repo
- in the demo folder, make a folder w/ your project name
- includes the files of the project & markdown tutorial :)
- create a pull request & and it'll be up soon!
**or...**if you don't want to go through GitHub, you can email me your project+tutorial at hi@shamdasani.org
thank you!
My name is Samay Shamdasani and I built enlight. Over the past year, I’ve been learning to code the web (mainly in JavaScript). At first, I ended up taking many courses and reading books learning about the language. However, I learned so many terms, objects, statements, etc. that I couldn’t really implement them. Then, I started to make mini-projects by following tutorials online and scraping through code on GitHub. Here’s my attempt at sharing my knowledge of these mini-projects so that you can develop your skills by actually creating something. On here, you’ll find a variety of fun, useful, and interesting projects related to my learning to code experience. I hope you’ll benefit from them.