
Utility library to use with Jackson-Databind to provide custom POJO/JSON serialization and deserialization aiming to protect sensitive data via masking with encrypting-decrypting.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Data Masking Utility

Utility library to use with Jackson-Databind to provide custom POJO/JSON serialization and deserialization aiming to protect sensitive data via masking with additional encrypting-decrypting.


Using a customized Object Mapper you can:

  • Perform Masking on string members of an object

    • Scenario: masking a credit card number when serializing to json.

      public class Customer {     
          public String creditCardNumber;
      Customer c = new Customer();
      c.creditCardNumber = "1111222233334444";
      String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(c);
      assert json.equals("{ \"creditCardNumber\": \"***************4444\"}")
  • Encrypting:

    Converting string members of an object into a pair of masked an ecrypted values.

    • As an composite String:

      public class Customer {     
          @Mask(rightVisible=4, queryOnly=false)
          public String creditCardNumber;
      Customer c = new Customer();
      c.creditCardNumber = "1111222233334444";
      String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(c);
      assert json.equals("{
        \"creditCardNumber\": \"masked_pair=***************4444|<credit card encrypted value>\"
    • Or as Json Object.

      public class Customer {     
          @Mask(rightVisible=4, queryOnly=false, format=DataMaskingConstants.ENCRYPTION_AS_OBJECT)
          public String creditCardNumber;
      Customer c = new Customer();
      c.creditCardNumber = "1111222233334444";
      String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(c);
      assert json.equals("{
        \"creditCardNumber\": {
          \"masked\": \"***************4444\",
          \"enc\": \"<credit card encrypted value>\"
  • Decrypting: Reverting an encrypted string/json input value to its original plain value.

    • Having a JSON with a composite string value:

      String json = "{
        \"creditCardNumber\": \"masked_pair=***************4444|<credit card encrypted value>\"
      Customer c = objectMapper.readValue(json, Customer.class);
      assert c.creditCardNumber.equals("1111222233334444");
    • Having a JSON with an Object value:

      String json = "{
        \"creditCardNumber\": {
          \"masked": \"***************4444\",
          \"enc": \"<credit card encrypted value>\"
      Customer c = objectMapper.readValue(json, Customer.class);
      assert c.creditCardNumber.equals("1111222233334444");


With Gradle

implementation 'com.github.bancolombia:data-mask-core:1.1.0'

With maven


This library depends on:

  • org.apache.commons:commons-lang3
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind

Using Data-Mask

A. Implement Cipher and Decipher interfaces

This library defines two interfaces: DataCipher and DataDecipher which are used in the encryption/decryption processes.

User of this library must define implementation for both interfaces.

Dummy Example:

var dummyCipher = new DataCipher() {
    public String cipher(String plainData) {
        return "the encrypted value";

var dummyDecipher = new DataDecipher() {
    public String decipher(String encryptedData) {
        return "the plain value";

B. Declare the customized Object Mapper.

This library defines a custom ObjectMapper in order to provide the masking and unmasking functionality, and takes as constructor arguments, the implementations of both DataCipher and DataDecipher interfaces.

    public ObjectMapper objectMapper(DataCipher someCipherImpl, DataDecipher someDecipherImpl) {
        return new MaskingObjectMapper(someCipherImpl, someDecipherImpl);

C. Decorate POJO's

Members to be masked/encrypted should be annotated with @Mask, eg:

    public static class Customer {
        private String name;

        @Mask(leftVisible = 3, rightVisible=4)
        private String email;

        @Mask(rightVisible=4, queryOnly=false, format=DataMaskingConstants.ENCRYPTION_AS_OBJECT)
        private String creditCardNumber;

Anotation Properties

Attribute Default value Description
leftVisible 0 Masking: how many characters should remain visible on left. Example: Hello******
rightVisible 4 Masking: how many characters should remain visible on right Example: *****World
queryOnly true true: Serialization should generate masked value only.
false: serialization should generate masked value and encrypted value.
format ENCRYPTION_AS_OBJECT Describes how masked and encrypted data should be serialized. Using ENCRYPTION_INLINE means masked and encrypted values together are serialized as string: masked_pair=<masked_value>I<encrypted_value>
Using ENCRYPTION_AS_OBJECT, means masked and encrypted values are serialized as a json object.

D. Use Custom ObjectMapper

Use the custom ObjectMapper, so, having this example of annotated class:

    public class Customer {
        private String name;

        @Mask(leftVisible = 3, rightVisible=4)
        private String email;

        @Mask(rightVisible=4, queryOnly=false, format=DataMaskingConstants.ENCRYPTION_AS_OBJECT)
        private String creditCardNumber;

Serializing Process

An instance of example Customer annotated class:

    Customer customer = new Customer("Jhon Doe", 

Should be serialized as JSON like this:

String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(customer);
  "name": "Jhon Doe",
  "email": "Jho**************.com",
  "creditCardNumber": {
    "masked": "************5678",
    "enc": "dGhpcyBzaG91bGQgYmUgYW4gZWNyeXB0ZWQgdmFsdWUK"

Deserializing Process

The deserialization process should construct an instance of the example Customer with is creditCardNumberproperty in plain text.

String json = "{\n" +
    "\"name\": \"Jhon Doe\",\n" +
    "\"email\": \"Jho**************.com\",\n" +
    "\"creditCardNumber\": {\n" +
    "\"masked\": \"************5678\",\n" +
    "\"enc\": \"dGhpcyBzaG91bGQgYmUgYW4gZWNyeXB0ZWQgdmFsdWUK\"\n" +
    "}\n" +

Customer customer = mapper.readValue(json, Customer.class);
assertEquals("4444555566665678", customer.creditCardNumber());

E. Using library without POJO model

  • Transformation of Json

The library offers a funtionability for transform JSON without a model known. The transformations supported are Cyphering, Decyphering and Masking.

DISCLAIMER: This require high computer resources because it looping over JSON searching specific fields that we configurate.

  • How to configure specific field for cypher from JSON?

  • How to configure specific field for masking from JSON?

  • How to decypher a JSON previously cyphered?

1) Transforming obj(Any Json) with specific configuration explained in previos answers

2) Getting original obj previosly transformed

  • Can I use cyphering and masking in only one search?

AWS SDK integration

This library offers a concrete implementation for the DataCipher and DataDecipher interfaces called data-mask-aws which provides via the Aws crypto SDK and Secrets Manager the encryption and decryption funcionality.


With Gradle

implementation 'com.github.bancolombia:data-mask-aws:1.1.0'

With maven


Additional configuration

Passed via configuration application.properties or application.yaml

Attribute Default value Description
secrets.dataMaskKey Name of the stored symmetric key in AWS Secrets manager
dataMask.encryptionContext "default_context" The context for additional protection of the encrypted data. See Usage of Encryption contexts.
adapters.aws.secrets-manager.region Region for the Secrets Manager service
adapters.aws.secrets-manager.endpoint (Optional) for local dev only

Use with Spring-Boot

Just declare the customized Object Mapper as a Bean, and add @Primary annotation to use instead of the default ObjectMapper.

public ObjectMapper objectMapper(DataCipher awsCipher, DataDecipher awsDecipher) {
        return new MaskingObjectMapper(awsCipher, awsDecipher);


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