
My VIM setup

Primary LanguageVim Script

A collection of VIM Modules and some config

This is my personal VI setup which I use for most of my daily work


  • Vim 8 or higher
  • CoC requires nodejs
  • coc-ansible requires ansible-lint and ansible


  • Clone this repo
 git clone https://github.com/Thulium-Drake/vim-config.git ~/vim-config.git
  • Create some links
ln -s ~/vim-config.git/vim ~/.vim
ln -s ~/vim-config.git/vimrc ~/.vimrc
  • Set up plugins (stick it somewhere in your bashrc to run it at logon)
vim +PlugUpdate --sync +qall
  • Some plugins require Environment Variables to be set:
    • coc-nvim requires NODEJS != ''
    • coc-ansible and ansible-vim requires ANSIBLE != ''
  • Enjoy your new 'n shiny editor!