
Demo app for using Identity Server with React.js SPA, .Net Core 3.0 and TypeScript

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Demo project for using Identity Server with React.js SPA and TypeScript

Demo Gif

The project is in 3 parts:

IdentityServer (http://localhost:5000)

Based off the IdentityServer4 samples, it uses uses ASP.NET Identity for identity management. You'll need to create the database (instructions bellow) to begin creating user accounts.

A single page application made with React, TypeScript and Webpack. Uses redux-oidc package for managing authentication.

Note: I'm no longer using hash router, webpack dev server is configured to redirect all pages to index.html. When deploying to production, you will need a similar mecanism for the callback page to work (this can easily be done using Netlify or Firebase hosting).

Based off the dotnet new webapi template. Has a global authorize filter.

Stuff to install

Dotnet Core 3.0 SDK
SQL Server express

Running the project

Clone repository

Add a secrets.json file in IdentityServer folder with the following (replace user id and password):

    "ConnectionStrings": {
      "DefaultConnection": "Server=(local);Database=AspIdentity;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;user id=*****;password=*****;"

Open a command prompt in project location:

cd Spa


yarn serve

In a second command prompt:

cd IdentityServer

dotnet ef database update

dotnet run

In a third command prompt:

cd Api

dotnet run

Go to identity server (http://localhost:5000) create an account then go to the single page app (http://localhost:5100)

You may need to change the environment variable on each project, either

  • run set ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development in Windows cmd terminal
  • run $Env:ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT = "Development" in Windows powershell terminal
  • run ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development in Linux bash
