Useful Apps
Awesome Windows
My version forLegend
- ✨ It's Magical, use it.
- 🔸 An Open Source Alternative Needed. (if you find one, open a PR)
- 💢 Applications with terrible User Interface (This is my opinion)
- ❌ I no longer use that application for either because of performance issues (clunky) or
- (alt. Stuff) Are the alternative i sometimes use
Strikethroughare unmaintained/outdated.
- Session
- Matrix Client - Element
- Signal
- Discord (Thunder#2128)
- SMS Organizer (SMS Client)
- Telegram Client - Nekogram X
- Unfortunatally Whatsapp
Contact Me
Session ID: Soon™Web Related
Web Browser
- Brave prefered for both web & mobile browsers
- ❌ Firefox - Alternative Web Browser
- Edge (Chromium) - With Telemetry Disabled (as much as possible) Only used for Research (because of Smoothness & Native Vertical Tabs)
I have not tried Vivaldi, it's allegedly a good browser (but it's not completely Open Source)
Useful Websites
Useful Websites Front Ends
- Bitwarden
- uBlock
- Sponsor Block
- Dark Reader
- UnHook
- Picture In Picture - Chromium - Edge Addon
- YouTube Screenshot - Chromium
- YouTube Playlist Duration - Chromium
- Link Bypass - Fast Forward (alt.
Universal Bypass)
- Raster Image - Photoshop (alt. GIMP + PhotoGIMP)
- Vecors: Inkscape - GitLab Repository
- RAW Editing - Lightroom (alt. Darktable)
- Video Editing - Premier Rush & KdenLive (Gitlab)
- Screen Capture - OBS Studio
- Flow Charts & Diagrams - - Web
- Prototyping - Figma
- Image Compressor - Caesium
All the Adobe CC Products 2022 are pretty expensive, right?
- Git (it's git, you most likely have it already)
- Code Editor VSCodium & Atom (to be used with Github Desktop for resolving merge conflict)
- Terminal Windows Terminal
- Package Manager - Chocolatey & Winget
- Notepad Notepads (alt. Notepad 3)
- MongoDB Client GUI Robo 3T
- ✨ Files Converter - A Files Converter in Context Menu
- Screenshots - ShareX
- ✨ Everything File Search - Everything Lite & Everything Toolbar
- EarTrumpet - Better audio control
- ✨ Czkawka - A Powerful, Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
- Torrent Client - qBittorrent + qBitTorrent Search
- DLL Downloader - JDownloader2
- ✨ Better Preview - Quicklook + Plugins
- Twinkle Tray - Seprate Brightness Sliders for each monitor
- Because Audiophile Spotify (alt. BlackHole & BlockTheSpot)
- Multimedia Player - VLC
- Notion - Notion Enhancer (alt. Appflowy)
- Search Deflector - Redirects Cortana to the default web browser
- Audio Converter - Recode
- Ventoy - Create Multibootable USB
- EPUB Reader - Thorium Reader
- Szyszka - Powerful Bulk File Renamer
- 🔸 Desk Pins - for Pinning Windows
- ❌ Modern Flyout - Changes the windows flyout UI
- ❌ Files & xplorer & Sigma - An alternative to File Explorer with Fluent Design
Visual Studio Code Extensions
More Common Extensions
Extensions (Visual)
Fonts (used in VSC & Terminal)
All of them are from Nerd Fonts