Implementation of COVID-19 social distancing detector using OpenCV, Computer Vision and Deep Learning.
Background - One of the tasks for Computer Vision internship at The Sparks Foundation.
- Detection of people from input frame using pretrained YOLOv3 model which was trained on coco dataset.
- Compute the Euclidean distance between all pairs of the centroid (pairwise distances)
- Check the distance matrix < configured distance
- if distance < configured_distance, add distance_coordinate to violation set
- set different color for bounding-boxes of each situation for violation or not-violation
- Put number of violations status on the resultant frame
- Show and Write frames for output video
Check package manager, conda which will be required to install required libraries & packages under specific virtual environment. Install anaconda on your machine, and run the following cell on terminal/command prompt after installed.
conda create -n SocialDistancingDetector jupyter python opencv imutils scipy numpy pandas matplotlib
Activate created environment.
conda activate SocialDistancingDetector
Open Terminal run the following under actvated environment with preinstalled required libs and packages.
python --input pedestrians.mp4 --output output.avi