Flight of the Maxima
An Ultima-style CRPG
SDL2 backend TODOs:
- Key debouncing is still erratic and sometimes eats keypresses
- Text input is kludgy and assumes a US/UK keyboard, ideally needs a rewrite
Gameplay TODOs:
- Make combat system suck less
- Levelling up (currently the player starts able to lift an Otari MX80 studio recorder)
Scripting and plot TODOs:
- Re-balance the economy, it's like the Weimar Republic in places
- Add journal entries for main plot points
- Establish extent of plot, find gaps, write (or find notes on) material to bridge gaps
Quest TODOs:
- Osprey quest not yet completable AFAIK
- Comms quest grinds to a halt
- Need to allow the player to get the special protective armour for dam quest (King Duncan)
- King Grey quest has a lot of loose ends (dialogue esp. but also if you take him back to his kingdom)