Tita - Classroom management system
Students and teachers often face difficulties while managing time-tables, assignments, and quizzes. Such problems arise due to the unavailability of a centralized management system where-in the communication between the teachers and students can be made efficient.
The purpose of TiTa- Classroom Management System, at a University level, is to manage time-tables, assignments, and quizzes for teachers and students
Clone to your local repo
git clone git@github.com:TiTa-Classroom-Management-System/TiTa-Backend.git
Install dependencies
npm install
Setting up environment variables
Create a new file .env in root of project and add the following contents.
Setting up cloudinary
Head over to Cloudinary.
Create your account.
Replace the above environment values with your credentials.
Setting up your database
To stay in sync with tita database, you need to first create a database name tita using
Error handling for mysqldump
In case your mysqldump command does not work, don't forget to add it as an environment variable. Go to
C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin
Copy this path and add the path to local environment.
Importing SQL data from the Dump file
If the tables and the data do not show up after running the 'npm run dev' command, follow this alternate method to update the DB:
Open MySQL Workbench → Click on the the local instance connection already present on the home page → In the Navigator Pane, under the Mangement heading, click on 'Data Import/Restore' → Select the 'Import from Self-contained file' radio option and browse for the tita_dump.sql file → Choose 'tita' from the Default Target Schema → Click on the 'Start Import' button on the bottom right (In case it is hidden by Output panel, just drag the output panel down)
You can also try running the following command as an alternative (given, you're in the same directory as tita_dump.sql):
mysql -u username –-password=your_password database_name < tita_dump.sql
Before pushing the changes, update your db changes using the following script
npm run commit-db
Enter your mysql server password and then commit and push your changes.
This command assumes your username to be root, if you have a different username then change the script in package.json(don't push that to GitHub)
Technoglogies used:
Other technologies:
- ExpressJS