
Java project setup

Primary LanguageJava

Getting Started

This is a Java project template. Here is a guideline to help you get started to write Java code with just Neovim and the command line.

If you're using jdtls remember to git init, so the language server could attach the buffer.

Folder Structure

The workspace contains three folders by default, where:

  • src: the folder to maintain sources
  • lib: the folder to maintain dependencies
  • bin: the folder where the bitcode is added when you run the java compiler(javac)

If you want to customize the folder structure, just remember to adapter the command to compile and run the application.

Class Template

  • E.g. entities
— Property: type
— Property: type
+ method(): return
+ method(): reuturn
  • E.g. service
— Property: type
— Property: type
+ method(): return
+ method(): reuturn

Command to run the application

# First cd to the bin folder
~/project $ cd bin

# then run  the following command to compile and run the application
~/project/bin $ ../ && clear && javac -d bin src/**/*.java && cd bin && java application.Main