
SEO / HTML Meta Tags Module for Nuxt.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nuxt SEO

⚠️⚠️ Discontinued project ⚠️⚠️

Use the https://github.com/nickfrosty/nuxt-seo

Travis Downloads Node Version XO code style

SEO / HTML Meta Tags Module for Nuxt.js


  • Easy to use
  • Canonical tag automatically generated
  • Implementation of Open Graph Protocol (ogp)
  • Compatible with npm package: debug


Module available through the npm registry. It can be installed using the npm or yarn command line tool.

# Yarn (Recomend)
yarn add nuxt-seo
# NPM 
npm install nuxt-seo --save



  • Add nuxt-seo to modules section of your nuxt.config.js
	modules: [
	seo: {
		// Module options
		baseUrl: 'https://myWebSite',
		name: '<name of site>',
		title: '<title default>',
		templateTitle: '%name% - %title%',
		description: '<description default>',
		canonical: 'auto',
		isForcedTrailingSlash: false

Module options


  • Default: utf-8
  • Type: String


  • Default: ``
  • Type: String


  • Default: false
  • Type: String


  • Default: TITLE
  • Type: String


  • Default: false
  • Type: String


  • Default: []
  • Type: Array[...keywords] || String


  • Default: en
  • Type: String


  • Default: English
  • Type: String


The auto this will automatically generate according to the route, or put the route manually

  • Default: auto
  • Type: String


Canonical force URL end with trailing slash

  • Default: true
  • Type: Boolean


  • Default: false
  • Type: URL String


  • Default: false
  • Type: Array[name, email || site] || String



  • Default: false
  • Type: URL String


charset, lang, language, copyright, name, subtitle, author, replyTo, description, keywords, url, noindex.ids.0, noindex.ids.1, noindex.ids, noindex.value.0, noindex.value.1, noindex.value, noindex, robots.ids.0, robots.ids.1, robots.ids, robots, openGraph.name, openGraph.title, openGraph.description, openGraph.locale, openGraph.url, openGraph.type, openGraph.profile.firstName, openGraph.profile.lastName, openGraph.profile.username, openGraph.profile.gender, openGraph.profile, openGraph.article.publishedTime, openGraph.article.modifiedTime, openGraph.article.expirationTime, openGraph.article.author.multi, openGraph.article.author, openGraph.article.section, openGraph.article.tag.multi, openGraph.article.tag, openGraph.article.authors.multi, openGraph.article.authors, openGraph.article.tags.multi, openGraph.article.tags, openGraph.article, openGraph.image.multi, openGraph.image.url, openGraph.image.width, openGraph.image.height, openGraph.image.alt, openGraph.image, openGraph.book.author.multi, openGraph.book.author, openGraph.book.isbn, openGraph.book.releaseDate, openGraph.book.tag.multi, openGraph.book.tag, openGraph.book.authors.multi, openGraph.book.authors, openGraph.book.tags.multi, openGraph.book.tags, openGraph.book, openGraph.price.currency, openGraph.price.amount, openGraph.price, openGraph.images.multi, openGraph.images.url, openGraph.images.width, openGraph.images.height, openGraph.images.alt, openGraph.images, openGraph, facebook.appId, facebook.pageId, facebook, twitter.title, twitter.description, twitter.card, twitter.type, twitter.site, twitter.creator, twitter, article.publishedTime, article.modifiedTime, article.expirationTime, article.author.multi, article.author, article.section, article.tag.multi, article.tag, article.authors.multi, article.authors, article.tags.multi, article.tags, article, book.author.multi, book.author, book.isbn, book.releaseDate, book.tag.multi, book.tag, book.authors.multi, book.authors, book.tags.multi, book.tags, book, image.multi, image.url, image.width, image.height, image.alt, image, images.multi, images.url, images.width, images.height, images.alt, images, og.name, og.title, og.description, og.locale, og.url, og.type, og.profile.firstName, og.profile.lastName, og.profile.username, og.profile.gender, og.profile, og.article.publishedTime, og.article.modifiedTime, og.article.expirationTime, og.article.author.multi, og.article.author, og.article.section, og.article.tag.multi, og.article.tag, og.article.authors.multi, og.article.authors, og.article.tags.multi, og.article.tags, og.article, og.image.multi, og.image.url, og.image.width, og.image.height, og.image.alt, og.image, og.book.author.multi, og.book.author, og.book.isbn, og.book.releaseDate, og.book.tag.multi, og.book.tag, og.book.authors.multi, og.book.authors, og.book.tags.multi, og.book.tags, og.book, og.price.currency, og.price.amount, og.price, og.images.multi, og.images.url, og.images.width, og.images.height, og.images.alt, og.images, og, fb.appId, fb.pageId, fb

Nuxt Head Context

  • head: function({ $seo }) { $seo(options) }
  • head: function() { this.$seo(options) }
	<h1>Hello World</h1>

	export default {
		head: function() {
			return this.$seo({
				name: 'Name app',
				title: 'Home Page',
				templateTitle: '%name% - %title%',
				description: 'Hello World Page'

Nuxt AsyncData Context

NOTE: Do not use in Server-Side Rendering (SSR) mode. In SSR you should use the Nuxt Head Context.

  • asyncData: function({ seo }) { seo(options) }
  • asyncData: function({ $seo }) { $seo(options) }
  • asyncData: function() { this.seo(options) }
  • asyncData: function() { this.$seo(options) }
	<h1>Hello World</h1>

	export default {
		asyncData: function(ctx) {
				name: 'Name app',
				title: 'Home Page',
				templateTitle: '%name% - %title%',
				description: 'Hello World Page'


To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run test:

# Using Yarn
yarn test


debug: small debugging utility Author: TJ Holowaychuk
License: MIT
Version: ^4.2.0

Dev Dependencies

ava: Node.js test runner that lets you develop with confidence. Author: sindresorhus, novemberborn, vdemedes
License: MIT
Version: ^3.13.0
got: Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js Author: sindresorhus, szmarczak
License: MIT
Version: ^11.8.0
nuxt: A minimalistic framework for server-rendered Vue.js applications (inspired by Next.js) Author: atinux, pi0, clarkdo
License: MIT
Version: ^2.14.7
vue: Reactive, component-oriented view layer for modern web interfaces. Author: Evan You
License: MIT
Version: ^2.6.12
xo: JavaScript/TypeScript linter with great defaults Author: Sindre Sorhus
License: MIT
Version: ^0.34.2


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue. List of all contributors.


MIT © Tiago Danin