
2D Platformer pathfinder for Unity3D

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Unity3D navigation solution for 2D platformers using 2D colliders.

This is still early work in progress, it's not advised to use on a production project

Add Dependency

In Unity's Packaga Manager add package from git url and use https://github.com/TiagoJSM/2RGuide.git?path=Assets/2RGuide as the url.


  • Builds navigation paths from scene colliders
  • Agent to traverse the shortest paths to reach a target position.
  • Support for auto generated jumps and drops to connect segments segments
  • Support for one way platforms jumps
  • Areas that forbid agent to move into to avoid obstacles

Getting Started

  • Download the project and open it in Unity3D
  • Create a parent GameObject to hold other GameObjects with the colliders to represent the world's paths
  • Add the NavWorld component to the parent GameObject
  • On the component's inspector panel press bake to generate the navigation segments
  • Add GuideAgent component to Agent GameObject to and TransformMovement to move in the navigation segments, if your object requires custom movement replace TransformMovement with your own MonoBehaviour and consume the data provided by GuideAgent
  • To tweat the bake procedure go to Edit > Project Settings > Nav2RGuide Settings and modify the values to your liking
  • Add Obstacle component to define obstacle nav segments

Planned Features

  • Support for user designed jumps and drops to connect segments

Additional Debug

Add TWOR_GUIDE_DEBUG as preprocessor directive to include additional debug information in editor.


Baking navigation segments:


Add nav tags to nav segments:


Moving to target in game:


Special Thanks

Clipper2 library used to get the world geometry.


MIT licensed