WCS JS Checkpoint

Run the project and read the instructions.


  1. Clone the current repository.

  2. Create a branch correctly named as "LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME".

  3. Move into the backend directory and copy the .env.sample file to create your .env file. This one is not committed to the shared repository. Fill your backend .env with your database credentials. The DB_NAME can stay as checkpoint3. You may have to change APP_PORT if the port 5000 is not available.

  4. Move into the frontend directory and copy the .env.sample file to create your .env file. This one is not committed to the shared repository. Fill your frontend .env with the url of your backend. In particular, adapt the port if your port 5000 is not available.

  5. Execute the following commands from the root folder of the project to start:

# Install dependencies
npm run setup

# Create 'checkpoint3' DB
cd backend
npm run migrate
cd ..


Launch the project with the command below and follow the instructions on the homepage http://localhost:3000/;

npm run dev

Available Commands

  • setup : Initialization of frontend and backend, as well as all toolings
  • dev : Starts both servers (frontend + backend) in one terminal
  • dev-front : Starts the React frontend server
  • dev-back : Starts the Express backend server
  • lint : Runs validation tools, and refuses unclean code (will be executed on every commit)
  • fix : Fixes linter errors (run it if lint growls on your code !)