Summary: This project is about creating a simple shell. Yes, your own little bash. You will learn a lot about processes and file descriptors.
Version: 6
- I Introduction
- II Common Instructions
- III Mandatory part
- IV Bonus part
- V Submission and peer-evaluation
The existence of shells is linked to the very existence of IT.
At the time, all developers agreed that communicating with a computer using aligned 1/0 switches was seriously irritating.
It was only logical that they came up with the idea of creating a software to com- municate with a computer using interactive lines of commands in a language somewhat close to the human language.
Thanks toMinishell, you’ll be able to travel through time and come back to problems people faced when Windows didn’t exist.
- Your project must be written in C.
- Your project must be written in accordance with the Norm. If you have bonus files/functions, they are included in the norm check and you will receive a 0 if there is a norm error inside.
- Your functions should not quit unexpectedly (segmentation fault, bus error, double free, etc) apart from undefined behaviors. If this happens, your project will be considered non functional and will receive a 0 during the evaluation.
- All heap allocated memory space must be properly freed when necessary. No leaks will be tolerated.
- If the subject requires it, you must submit a Makefilewhich will compile your source files to the required output with the flags-Wall,-Wextraand-Werror, use cc, and your Makefile must not relink.
- YourMakefilemust at least contain the rules$(NAME),all,clean,fcleanand re.
- To turn in bonuses to your project, you must include a rulebonusto your Makefile, which will add all the various headers, librairies or functions that are forbidden on the main part of the project. Bonuses must be in a different file_bonus.{c/h}if the subject does not specify anything else. Mandatory and bonus part evaluation is done separately.
- If your project allows you to use your libft, you must copy its sources and its associatedMakefilein alibftfolder with its associated Makefile. Your project’s Makefilemust compile the library by using itsMakefile, then compile the project.
- We encourage you to create test programs for your project even though this work won’t have to be submitted and won’t be graded. It will give you a chance to easily test your work and your peers’ work. You will find those tests especially useful during your defence. Indeed, during defence, you are free to use your tests and/or the tests of the peer you are evaluating.
- Submit your work to your assigned git repository. Only the work in the git reposi- tory will be graded. If Deepthought is assigned to grade your work, it will be done
Minishell As beautiful as a shell
after your peer-evaluations. If an error happens in any section of your work during
Deepthought’s grading, the evaluation will stop.
Program name minishell
Turn in files Makefile, *.h, *.c
Makefile NAME, all, clean, fclean, re
External functs. readline, rl_clear_history, rl_on_new_line,
rl_replace_line, rl_redisplay, add_history,
printf, malloc, free, write, access, open, read,
close, fork, wait, waitpid, wait3, wait4, signal,
sigaction, sigemptyset, sigaddset, kill, exit,
getcwd, chdir, stat, lstat, fstat, unlink, execve,
dup, dup2, pipe, opendir, readdir, closedir,
strerror, perror, isatty, ttyname, ttyslot, ioctl,
getenv, tcsetattr, tcgetattr, tgetent, tgetflag,
tgetnum, tgetstr, tgoto, tputs
Libft authorized Yes
Description Write a shell
Your shell should:
- Display a prompt when waiting for a new command.
- Have a working history.
- Search and launch the right executable (based on thePATH variable or using a relative or an absolute path).
- Not use more than one global variable. Think about it. You will have to explain its purpose.
- Not interpret unclosed quotes or special characters which are not required by the subject such as(backslash) or;(semicolon).
- Handle’(single quote) which should prevent the shell from interpreting the meta- characters in the quoted sequence.
- Handle"(double quote) which should prevent the shell from interpreting the meta- characters in the quoted sequence except for $ (dollar sign).
Minishell As beautiful as a shell
- Implement redirections :
◦ <should redirect input.
◦ >should redirect output.
◦ <<should be given a delimiter, then read the input until a line containing the
delimiter is seen. However, it doesn’t have to update the history!
◦ >>should redirect output in append mode.
- Implement pipes (|character). The output of each command in the pipeline is connected to the input of the next command via a pipe.
- Handle environment variables ($ followed by a sequence of characters) which should expand to their values.
- Handle$? which should expand to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline.
- Handlectrl-C,ctrl-Dandctrl-\which should behave like inbash.
- In interactive mode:
◦ ctrl-Cdisplays a new prompt on a new line.
◦ ctrl-Dexits the shell.
◦ ctrl-\does nothing.
- Your shell must implement the following builtins :
◦ echowith option-n
◦ cdwith only a relative or absolute path
◦ pwdwith no options
◦ exportwith no options
◦ unsetwith no options
◦ envwith no options or arguments
◦ exitwith no options
Thereadline()function can cause memory leaks. You don’t have to fix them. But that doesn’t mean your own code, yes the code you wrote, can have memory leaks.
You should limit yourself to the subject description. Anything that
is not asked is not required.
If you have any doubt about a requirement, take bash as a reference.
Your program has to implement:
- &&and||with parenthesis for priorities.
- Wildcards*should work for the current working directory.
The bonus part will only be assessed if the mandatory part is
PERFECT. Perfect means the mandatory part has been integrally done
and works without malfunctioning. If you have not passed ALL the
mandatory requirements, your bonus part will not be evaluated at all.
Turn in your assignment in your Gitrepository as usual. Only the work inside your repository will be evaluated during the defense. Don’t hesitate to double check the names of your files to ensure they are correct.