

To use the basic functionalities of this app it is needed two phones, one with this app (Microbit) and another with ServerMicrobit


On oppening the app it shows a popup asking for notification access, you should accept it.

For a little guide on how to use the app click on the help button.

Open the app ServerMicrobit on the other phone and copy its Bluetooth address to the textbox that appears on clicking in the button shown in the image.

Start the server on ServerMicrobit by clicking in the start button and in the Microbit try to connect to the server by clicking in the button shown in the image.

If everything went well you should see the text "connected" in the ServerMicrobit app.

And now everytime you receive a notification in the phone which is running Microbit it will show up the notification's packageName in the ServerMicrobit. In the image I received a notification from Google Chrome.