- Install all the dependencies:
npm run setup
- Build and run at the localhost PORT=5000:
npm run build-run
- Login Credential
- user:
- admin:
- user:
- React
- React Router Dom
- React uuid (creating unique id for new objects)
- react-dropzone (image upload)
- Ant Design (Avatar, Icons)
- React Bootstrap (SimpleCard, SimpleList)
- MongoDB Atlas (backend data)
- Cloudinay (backeng image upload)
- Header
- Router
- User logout
- Login
- Sign In/Sign up
- Login as admin
- Project Browsing
- title
- owner avatar, username
- description
- number of views/team membesr/likes
- User
- profile update
- upload avatar
- Teammate Browsing
- User info
- Connect with users
- Project Details
- images upload
- manage teammates
- current progress
- Teammate Details
- Connect other users
- Edit profile info
- Admin Previliges
- Delete user/project
:- if the user is currently loggedin, returns status code 200 and a object of
{ userName: <the current user name> isAdmin: <if the current logged in user is admin user> }
- If no user is logged in, return status code 401
- if the user is currently loggedin, returns status code 200 and a object of
- Return the user object with userName of parameter "username"; no request body required.
- Return the all user objects in the database; no request body required.
- Request to top the user with the given username
- Returns status code 200 on success and 404 on failure
- Request to logout the user's account. The request will destroy the created session
- Returns status code 200 on success and 500 on error
- The login request. Request body is of form:
{ userName: <the username>, password: <the password of that user> }
- If the userName and password matches, returns the logged in user object (we store each user as an object in the database) and create a session coockie storing the following three attributes of that user object:
isAdmin, userName, _id
- If the userName and password doesn't match, return status code 400
- The login request. Request body is of form:
- The request for registration. The request body is of the form:
{ userName: <The username of this new user, UNIQUE> password: <The user's password> isAdmin: <if it is an admin user> }
- Returns the created User object on success and status code 400 on failure.
- The request for registration. The request body is of the form:
- The route deletes the user with userName of parameter username; no request body required
- The route will only execute successfully if the currently logged in user is an admin
- The route updates the basic user info of the currently logged in user
- The request body contains updated information, and it should be a JSON document formatted as below:
{ "description": "user description", "skills": ["skill1", ""skill2",... ], "experiences":[{ "company":"company 1", "position": "title 1", "start": "2018-09-01", "end": "2022-05-01" }, ... ], "email": <user email address>, "linkedin": <user linkedin link>, "github": <user github link>, }
- On success, the user will update its corresponding information in the request body, and the updated user object will be returned
- The request to add the current logged in user to the
list of the user with the given username; i.e., login user sends a friend request to another user. - On success, the route will return the user object with the updated pending list.
- The request to add the current logged in user to the
- The request takes in a request body of type JSON with only one attribute:
{ "accept": <boolean representing whether the user accepts the friend request> }
- If
is false, we will just remove the given username from the pending list of the login user (user rejects the friend request); else, we will move username from pending list to the connection list (user accepts the friend request).
- The request to remove username from the
list of the current login user. The userName of the login user will also be removed from theconnections
list of the user with username. No request body is required
- The request to remove username from the
- The request from admin to top a particular project by their projectID (the _id attribute)
- returns status code 200 on success and 404 on failure
- The request from users to like a particular project
- The request body is in the following format:
{ userName:<the username of the user who likes the project> project_ID: <the _id attribute of the liked project object> }
- Returns status code 200 on success and 404 on failure
- Fetch all projects
- 200 on success, 500 on failure
"name": "Project",
"description": "Project",
- Add a new project
- Please pass the above JSON object to the request body for testing
- 200 on success, 500 on failure
- Delete an existing project
- Please pass an project id
returned by DB to route url. - 200 on success, 404 on id not found, 500 on other failures
"requirement": "No requirement",
"userIds": [],
"status": "incomplete",
"usersLiked": [],
"tags": [],
"topped": false,
"images": [],
"id": "17f3777-54a0-2b7-47d0-5054a0fe044",
"name": "Project",
"description": "Project",
- Update an existing project
- Please pass an project id
returned by DB to route url. - Please pass the above JSON object to the request body for testing
- 200 on success, 404 on id not found, 500 on other failures
- Add images to a project
- Please pass an project id
returned by DB to route url. - Please pass an image file to the form-data with field
. - 200 on success, 404 on id not found, 500 on other failures
- Fetch project image.
- Please pass an project id
returned by DB to route url. - Please pass an image file to the form-data with field
. - 200 on success, 404 on id not found, 500 on other failures
- project browsing page (see the pricture below for detailed reference)
Teammate Browsing page
- similar layout, admin functionality. See project browsing page for reference.
User Profile page
- After logging in, access the profile page through 'My profile' tab on the upper right corner
User Detail page
- After logging in, access user detail page by clicking on the card in the teammate browsing page
- Similar to profile page, but there is no 'Edit Profile' button
- If logged in as admin, there will be a delete button, which will remove the user permanently.
Create Project
- click the
creat new project
under the user avatar
- fill all the fields in the
create project page
, and then pressCREATE
- click the
Project Detail
- owner can upload project image by "drag and drop"
- owner can remove members or applicants under
- owner can also manage the progress with