
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Parameter Definition Default Remarks
input_path Path of trace data ./input
output_path Path of output ./output
save_weights Save candidates' weight or not False
region_centre Location of regions' centers ./RegionCenters
region_popularity Popularity of regions ./RegionPopularity
Tmax The number of time-bins 24*8
scale Spatial granularity 0.01
K Top-K in hit-precision 10
  1. Run

    $ python algorithms/pois.py --input_path ./algorithms/input/ --output_path ./algorithms/output/ --save_weights False --region_centre ./algorithms/RegionCenters --region_popularity ./algorithms/RegionPopularity --scale 0.01 --K 10

    $ python algorithms/pois.py \
     --input_path ./algorithms/input/ \
     --output_path ./algorithms/output/ \
     --save_weights False \
     --region_centre ./algorithms/RegionCenters \
     --region_popularity ./algorithms/RegionPopularity \
     --scale 0.01 \
     --K 10




分号前的字符串是用户 ID。轨迹中的时空点用竖线划分。逗号前的元素是时间的ID,逗号后的元素是binId。


[WWW 2016] C. Riederer, Y. Kim, A. Chaintreau, N. Korula, and S. Lattanzi, “Linking users across domains with location data: Theory and validation,” in Proc. WWW, 2016.