This is a Large-Scale SAR Ship Detection Dataset-v1.0 (LS-SSDD-v1.0) from Sentinel-1, for small ship detec-tion under large-scale backgrounds. LS-SSDD-v1.0 contains 15 large-scale SAR images whose ground truths are correctly labeled by SAR experts by drawing support from Automatic Identifica-tion System (AIS) and Google Earth. To facilitate network training, the large-scale images are directly cut into 9,000 sub-images without bells and whistles, providing convenience for subsequent detec-tion result presentation in large-scale SAR images.
- Blue-Eagle-10USTC
- catterys
- chenchangjin-ccj
- Createroner
- gaoyingjai
- huangqiongnan
- jjf2014205
- joey1616None
- jstzwjr
- juancn95Banco de Machala S.A.
- libzzluoShanghai
- liucj97
- lnq325805524SWJTU
- LZQ-RSer
- makabakasu
- mapsgeekZagazig
- mdhDesign
- Mio2020
- NotRaining
- PURE-meloXidian University
- sfoucherUniversity of Sherbrooke
- ShaofengZouTsinghua University
- shaojiestar
- vickyliauplano, Texas
- wenjiaXuBeijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- Will-Harris00Harpenden, Hertfordshire
- wizholy
- wrccrwx
- xbutterflyxNUDT
- Xierunbo
- yaowj-sg
- yuxisjtu
- ZhLiu8616
- zhouwenx
- Zoezxb