WDPS Group 22

Project Structure

  • preprocessing.py
    • Process web data and do NER. Results will be saved into nlp_ner_orgtext_remove_a_with_label_pos_elables.parquet
  • entity_linking.py
    • Based on the NER result, it will do entity linking from elastic search. The results will be stored in entity_linking_res.parquet
  • relation_extraction.py
    • Based on the NER result, it will perform relation extraction. The training dataset is semeval_train.txt under the data folder. the results are in the re_res.csv
  • output_form.py
    • It will output the predictions based on the results of entity_linking.py and relation_extraction.py

Setup Environment

There are two ways which can set up the environment.


You can run the following command to run the Docker container.

docker run -d \
        --name elasticsearch \
    -e "discovery.type=single-node" \
    -v <The parent folder path of elastic search index data>:/app/wdps/ \
    -v <wdps code folder>:/app/assignment \
    --privileged \
    -p 9200:9200 \
    -p 9300:9300 \
--interactive --tty wangjycode/elasticsearch:v3

Setup locally

  1. install python, java
  2. run setup.sh to install python dependencies
  3. install elastic search locally (The wikidata index data you can find here) or you can run
docker run -d \
        --name elasticsearch \
    -e "discovery.type=single-node" \
    -v <The parent folder path of elastic search index data>:/app/wdps/\
    --privileged \
    -p 9200:9200 \
    -p 9300:9300 \
--interactive --tty wangjycode/elasticsearch:v1

1. Note: Before running the whole pipeline, you should have an elastic search cluster loaded with Wikipedia 2. Note: the ES data path is '/app/wdps/data', so please put them in the right position

Run code

You can run each python file to do different tasks. You can also run starter_code.py to run the whole pipeline.


python starter_code.py data/warcs/sample.warc.gz