
Field II ultrasonic displacement tracking code using FEM displacement fields


Ultrasonic Tracking Simulation Tools

Field II ultrasonic displacement tracking code using FEM displacement fields. The 3D nodal displacement data from the FEM sims are used to translate a volume of acoustic scattereres, and synthetic RF data is generated for each time step using the transducer parameters defined in driver.m.

Please consider citing this work if you use this code in your work:

Palmeri ML, McAleavey SA, Trahey GE, Nightingale KR. "Ultrasonic Tracking of Acoustic Radiation Force-Induced Displacements in Homogeneous Media," IEEE UFFC, 53(7): 1300-1313, 2006.


  • Add the ultratrack repository your Matlab path. One approach is to add the following to $HOME/matlab/startup.m:

  • Siemens proprietary probe definitions can be cloned from the access-restricted repository: https://gitlab.oit.duke.edu/ultrasound/probes

    If you do have access, then you can initialize the submodule using:

    • git submodule init
    • git submodule update


ultra_driver.m is an example driver script for 1:1 scanning with a linear array.


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