
An API to work with reportlab and pdfrw

Primary LanguagePython

reportlabAPI: an API to work with reportlab and pdfrw

The images present in this documentation is the PDF report generated after all the codelines runs.


Open the terminal and execute:

    pip install git+https://github.com/Tiarles/reportlabAPI.git

Getting started

First you can import some modules like:

    from reportlabAPI import (build_doc, build_cover, addPageBreak,
                          new_chapter, addSubtitle, build_credits,
                          save_doc, sumarryTable, detailed_Table_df,
                          MSG_COMPLY, MSG_NOT_COMPLY)

    # You need this modules to create some of the strucutres presents
    # in the package

    # Just give a ``pip install numpy pandaswebbrowser`` in your
    # favorite IDE python

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from webbrowser import open as openf

For this report style you can set the title and the description for the cover:

    title = 'My Title'
    desc = 'My Description'

    build_doc(title, desc)

    members = ['Membro 1', 'Membro 2', 'Membro 3']

    acknow = 'This project is the result of an agreement between member 1 and ' + \
        'member 2.'

Create a new chapter:

    new_chapter('Subtitle Tests')

And add some subtitles:

    addSubtitle('Subltile 1')

    addSubtitle('Subltile 2')

Create some summaryTables like that:

    df1 = pd.DataFrame({4:{1:5, 2:6, 3:7},
                       5:{1:6, 2:'B=Vey', 3:8},
                       6:{1:7, 2:8, 3:9},
                       12:{1:'B=Vey', 2:MSG_NOT_COMPLY, 3:9}})

    df2 = pd.DataFrame({9:{1:3, 2:2, 3:MSG_COMPLY},
                        99:{1:4, 2:3, 3:MSG_NOT_COMPLY},
                        999:{1:5, 2:4, 3:MSG_COMPLY},
                       9999:{1:MSG_NOT_COMPLY, 2:MSG_COMPLY, 3:MSG_COMPLY},
                       99989:{1:'vEY', 2:MSG_COMPLY, 3:MSG_COMPLY},
                       15:{1:'vEY', 2:MSG_COMPLY, 3:MSG_COMPLY}})

    sumarryTable(df1, df2, master_rows_name=('AAA', 'BBB'))

Or with some lines of code colorful detailed tables like that:

    def soma2(a,b):
        return a + b

    def subt2(a,b):
        return a - b

    columns = np.linspace(0,1, 8)
    lines = np.linspace(0,.3, 5)

    somaTable = []
    subtTable = []

    for j in lines:
        each_line_soma = {}
        each_line_subt = {}
        for i in columns:
            res_soma = soma2(i, j)
            res_subt = subt2(i, j)
            each_line_soma[i] = res_soma
            each_line_subt[i] = res_subt
    df_soma = pd.DataFrame(somaTable, index=lines)
    df_subt = pd.DataFrame(subtTable, index=lines)

    max1 = df_soma.max().max() / 2
    max2 = df_subt.max().max() / 2

    new_chapter('Teste detailed_Table_df')

    detailed_Table_df(df_soma, maxValue=max1)
    detailed_Table_df(df_subt, maxValue=max2)

Also no color detailed tables:


    detailed_Table_df(df_soma, maxValue=max1, mode='no_color')
    detailed_Table_df(df_subt, maxValue=max2, mode='no_color')

And limitation detailed tables:


    detailed_Table_df(df_soma, maxValue=max1*1.5, minValue=0, mode='red_limit')
	detailed_Table_df(df_subt, maxValue=max2*1.5, minValue=0, mode='red_limit')

For finish you can set a list of member and acknowledgements for the credits:

    members = ['Member 1', 'Member 2', 'Membro 3']

    acknow = 'This project is the result of an agreement between member 1 and ' + \
        'member 2.'

    build_credits(acknow, members)

And save and open using this codeline:

    openf(save_doc('Test_', withDate=True))

This is the final result: