
TibiaData docker-compose configurations for TibiaData container, Kong API gateway and Konga admin GUI.

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TibiaData docker-compose

TibiaData docker-compose configurations for TibiaData container, Kong API gateway and Konga admin GUI.

Hosting of TibiaData has been switched to Kubernetes, so maintenance of this repository is limited.


There are following folders..

Used to get Kong API gateway up and runnig.

The installation itself is empty and you'd need to create services and routes yourself (as it is right now). Or import from a backup, if you have any previous installation.

Used to get Konga up and running.

This is for administration of the Kong API gateway.

Used to get TibiaData API up and running.


Here is a list of useful docker compose commands.

Pull service images:

docker compose pull

Create and start containers:

docker compose up -d

Stop and remove containers, networks:

docker compose down

View output from containers:

docker compose logs -n 25 -f

General information

Tibia is a registered trademark of CipSoft GmbH. Tibia and all products related to Tibia are copyright by CipSoft GmbH.
