Docker Ccompile benchy is a benchmark tool for testing different container environments. It does this by providing a slim container image tasked with compiling php-src and measuring the time needed aswell as ram/cpu usage.
This tool was developed by me for my Bachelor Thesis Software Engineering @Howest
first build one of the images, you can do so like this:
docker build --no-cache -t sonicdart/ccompile-benchy:{distro} -f {distro}.Dockerfile ./
Replace alpine with ubuntu or debian.
You may also pull the image from the docker regestry with docker pull sonicdart/ccompile-benchy:{distro}
next run the container and execute the test script from within:
docker run -it --rm --mount type=bind,source={output directory},target=/php-src/test_results sonicdart/ccompile-benchy:{distro} ./
replace output directory with an absolute path to where you want the result files.
first create a template with
lxc-create {distro} -t oci -- --url docker://sonicdart/ccompile-benchy:{distro}
afterwards you can run the container once using
lxc-start -F --logfile ./log.txt {distro} ./
by default, the entire filesystem (including the test output) is accessable in /var/lib/lxc/{distro}/rootfs/
The test script outputs 3 files:
- test_duration_{datetime} outputs the time command measuring the make command
- test_output_{datetime} outputs the make commands output
- test_internal_resources_{datetime} outputs a csv file logging memory and cpu usage each second.
this tool includes PHP software, freely available from