
Travis-CI Maven Central

When developing commercial software with OSS dependencies its very important to verify that you only use dependencies and transitive dependencies with acceptable licenses.

This plugin will verify the licenses of the current project and abort build if requirements are not met.

The plugin is heavily inspired from khmarbaise/Maven-License-Verifier-Plugin.

I wanted maven 3 support and I had never written a maven plugin before, which is a reason in itself. :-)

To use on command line:

mvn se.ayoy.maven-plugins:ayoy-license-verifier-maven-plugin:verify

To use in maven pom file:


The parameter path in licenseFile and excludedMissingLicensesFilecan be relative to the child POM or the nearest parent POM. This is very useful in Maven multi-module projects where src/licenses/licenses.xml is defined only in parent location.
