Building the exql CSV Data Query Tool


Greetings, collaborators ! Welcome to an engaging programming challenge that will introduce you to the creation of a program capable of querying data from CSV files using the SQL query language. This task will not only enhance your programming skills but also provide insights into structured data manipulation.

Key Concepts

Before we delve into the details, let's cover some important concepts:

  • CSV (Comma-Separated Values): CSV is a simple file format used to store tabular data. Each row in the file corresponds to a row in the table, and data fields within each row are separated by commas.
  • SQL (Structured Query Language): SQL is a powerful language used for managing and manipulating structured data in databases. It enables various operations like querying, inserting, updating, and deleting data.

Your tasks

Your task is to develop a program named exql that can read CSV files and execute SQL-like queries on the data within. When executed with a specific query and CSV file name as parameters, the program should display the queried data on the screen. Here's an example of usage:

exql "SELECT * FROM data.csv"

In this example, the exql program will read the data.csv file and execute the SELECT * query, fetching all data from the file. The program will then display the retrieved data on the terminal.

To make it easier, we can assume that CSV files is always a table MxN + 1, with the first row contains column names, M is number of columns and N rows of data. All column names have snake_case format. For instance:

id first_name last_name age major
#1 Vinh Nguyen Phuc 22 Computer Science
#2 Quan Nguyen Hong 20 Computer Engineering
#1 Phu Nguyen Ngoc 20 Mechanical Engineering


Your program should have these components:

  • Command-line interface: The program should be run from the command line, accepting the CSV file name and SQL-like query as parameters.
  • Query parsing: Implement a mechanism to parse the provided query parameter. The program should understand basic SQL-like syntax, including SELECT/INSERT statements. DELETE/UPDATE statements are not required.
  • CSV Reading: Design the program to read and interpret CSV files. Assume that the CSV files are properly formatted and include header rows.
  • Query Execution: Process the query and retrieve appropriate data from the CSV file.

The executable file exql must be:

  • Run and compiled on Linux operating system
  • Use C++ standard 17
  • NO MEMORY LEAKS after program exit
  • Pass all test cases

The language description is at here.

Learning Objectives

Through this challenge, you will:

  • Learn the fundamentals of SQL and its application for data querying.
  • Enhance your programming skills by building a data manipulation tool.
  • Gain practical experience with I/O operations for reading and processing CSV files.
  • This assignment is designed to gradually introduce you to these concepts. If you are new to SQL or databases, don't worry - you'll have access to various resources and guidance to help you successfully complete the task.

Furthermore, you will have ideas with:

  • The difference between high level programming languages (C#, Java, Javascript, Python ...) and low level ones (C/C++, Rust ...)
  • How computers understand programming/scripting languages


The challenge will last for 8 weeks but may extend or conclude sooner based on your ability.

  • Week 1: Set up working environment and find out more about this challenges
  • Week 2: Introduce to CLI, query validating & query parsing
  • Week 3 & Week 4: Construct a query tree
  • Week 5: Comming soon ...
  • Week 6: Comming soon ...

You should report your work in each week by a document (can be Notion notes, markdown, PDF or MS Word files ...).

Feel free to raise any questions in Discord. Best of luck, and enjoy building your exql CSV data query tool!

Documents / Keywords