W-CTC: a Connectionist Temporal Classification Loss with Wild Cards

X.Cai, J.Yuan, Y.Bian, G.Xun, J.Huang, K.Church, "W-CTC: a Connectionist Temporal Classification Loss with Wild Cards", ICLR 2022

This repository contains the PyTorch implementation of W-CTC and the essential codes to reproduce the paper's experiments.

  • W-CTC PyTorch Implementation
  • ASR Experiments
  • PR Experiments (release later)
  • OCR Experiments
  • CSLR Experiments


The code is based on following repositories:

The repo structure

  • wctc.py : The standalone implementation of W-CTC. Note that only forward algorithm is implemented, the backward is done via PyTorch's autograd mechanism.
  • ASR/: The code to reproduce ASR experiments.
  • CSLR/: The code to reproduce CSLR expriments.
  • poster/: The paper's poster and slides.

Minimum effort to run (the ASR experiments)

cd ASR/
pip install -r requirements.txt
bash script.sh 0.2

Here 0.2 is a hyper-parameter that controls the ratio of masking on the labels. It takes a value between 0 and 1. When it's 0.0, no masking (label is clean). When it's 1.0, the whole label is masked.

Reproduce the experiments.

  • For ASR, you can use above commands, or refer to the details in ASR/README.md.
  • For OCR, please follow the instructions in OCR/README.md.
  • For CSLR, please follow the instructions in CSLR/README.md.