
Multiple image selecting package for Expo SDK (React Native) using MediaLibrary and Permissions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm version


Multiple image (video, etc.) selecting package for Expo SDK (React Native) using MediaLibrary and Permissions.

Snack full demo with navbar and compression



  • Selects multiple images
  • Changes orientation (4 in a row for vertical and 7 for horizontal orientations)
  • Displays the selected image number
  • Permission requests
  • Customization
  • Sorting from new to old


  1. Install the repository
    $ npm install --save expo-image-picker-multiple
    $ expo install expo-image-picker expo-media-library # install peer dependency
    $ yarn add expo-image-picker-multiple
    $ expo install expo-image-picker expo-media-library # install peer dependency
  2. Add an import to the top of your file
    import { ImageBrowser } from 'expo-image-picker-multiple';
  3. Declare the component in the render method.
      onChange={(num, onSubmit)  => {
      callback={(callback) => {


  • max: maximum number of photos
  • loadCount: by default 50
  • loadCompleteMetadata: Whether to load extra fields like location. Loading all of the information will reduce performance. by default false
  • emptyStayComponent: by default null
  • noCameraPermissionComponent: by default null
  • preloaderComponent: by default ActivityIndicator (loader)
  • renderSelectedComponent: one-parameter (selected number) function is expected to return the component for the icon/text over the selected picture
  • mediaType: photo by default (mediaType)